Using mouse
In this 'chapter' can you get some useful informations about using mouse in UniView. Depending on file type, the mouse can be used for other thing...

Text files - here is very useful 3-button mouse. If you press middle button (and hold it), an arrow-image will appear and you can move through document simply by moving cursor... If you have so-called 'roller', you can also use it to move in document. After you press right button, context menu Edit will appear. If you hold shift and press right button, it will be Text submenu...

Image files - using right button can you get context menu Image. If you also hold shift key, Edit menu will appear. For scrolling image can you use scrollbars, keys or mouse roller. By normal use of roller are you scrolling document up/down. If you also hold middle button pressed (or on many mouses push roller, because it's 2nd usage is middle buton), you can move to left/right.

Multimedia files - All mouse functions is covered by MCI interface. One of possible ways to use mouse is to get context menu using right button :-)

Binary files - using left button can you change actual position in document or select a document part. Using right button can you show popup menu.