EPOX solutions's freeware license: License for 'software' UniView: If you are using this software, you MUST accept this license and mustn't violate it! If you will, you may be penalised by several civil and criminal penalties and you will be then prosecuted to the maximum extent possible under law in your country! 1. You have right to redistribute this program JUST in original form, you can't request any payment for this distribution from me or target user (this doesn't mean resources needed for this activities). You can use this program in commercial packages. Before redistibuting this package you should give me a notice... 2. You must NOT change any of parts of this software directly or indirectly. It is also forbidden to dissasembly software's code. 3. This software can be used and copied on as many computers and as many times, as you need. It is legal to have more than one copy on one computer. 4. Author of this program can not be responsible for any damages caused by this software (it is freeware after all). If you find some 'bug', please let me know and I'll try to repair it. 5. If you wan't to support developing of this software, please register it. You don't need it, but it will motivate me in work. You can give me almost anything: hardware, cash (money ;-), some CDs etc. You will get then support for this software (for further informations read help file please). 6. All rights are reserved to EPOX solutions If you don't accept any of these license rules, you must stop using it and remove all copies of this software from your computer!