Images are files, which are containing some graphical informations. UniView is recognizing several image formats and it's able to read and write most of them. Biggest part of users of this program does know, what image is, so I will describe technical background of images now - it can inrease your productivity ;-)
Basic characteristics of image in UniView are width, height and color depth. Width (X size) and height (Y size) are gived in pixels (monitor points). Color depth (BPP - Bits Per Pixel) is defining maximal count of colors in image. UniView is supporting following following BPPs: 1bpp (2 colors), 4bpp (16), 8bpp(256) and 24bpp (16 777 777). If imported file is in other color depth (32bpp), it will be converted to nearest higher color depth if possible, or nearest lower otherwise (for example: 2bpp->4bpp, 32bpp and 16bpp -> 24bpp). UniView can change color depth in both direction to higher and lower. Conversion to 24bpp is performed automatically after applying of some effects, which are requiring higher bpp (blur, resize).
Image can by biger sizes occupy much memory space (for example image 5000x5000 in 24bpp takes 71.5MB - you must have about 100 MB RAM to be able to work with that big images). If you want to create a big image, you should close all programs before you do so. And one warning: Windows isn't very stable if there's not enought memory available - be careful what are you doing!
Pixel: a point of image, which is cotaining some
Scanline, row: a few (or a lot) of pixels placed in a horizontal line
Column: a few (or a lot) of pixels placed in a vertical line