What is it ? : This transform do more or less the same thing as Frederick's Radial Dithering. The only difference is that this one use a random algorythm. It allow you to specify a "slice" of the plane that will not be modified and one that will be assigned solid color. The points between them are randomly assigned solid color or not. This "should" give a smooth transition after antialiasing. Practically, even when rendering with depth three, the random noise doesn't disappear, but it can give some nice effect... Don't use the "Guessing" drawing mode with this one.
Linear Dithering (Random)
What is it ? : It allow you to specify a half-plane that will not be modified and one that will be assigned solid color. The points between them will be randomly assigned solid color or not. This "should" give a smooth transition after antialiasing. Practically, even when rendering with depth three, the random noise doesn't disappear, but it can give some nice effect... Don't use the "Guessing" drawing mode with this one.
Smaller and Smaller Scissor
What is it ? : This transform allow you to cut off your image a shape that has precisely
the shape you obtain using Smaller and Smaller.
It can be useful to make backgrounds, for instance.
Slice Scissor
What is it ? : This transform divide the plane radially into "slices" and allow you to display groups of them. The Parameters : Scissor Order : The number of slices you need. Coloring Order : The number of group of slices. If you put two, every two slice will be visible. If you put three, every three slice will be visible, ect... The other are assigned solid color. To get usful results, "Coloring Order" must divide "Scissor Order". Visible Group : Choose which group of slices will be visible. There are [Scissor Order]/[Coloring Order] different groups. Puting a higher number in "Visible Group" give a whole solid screen. Scissor Center / Rotation : Allow to move / rotate the scissor.
All this can seem a bit abstract. To make the things clearer, look at
the default parameters : Scissor Order = 12, Coloring Order = 2, Visible
Group = 0. This means the plane is divided into 12 slices and divided into
two groups if six slices each. As "Visible Group" is equal to 0, you are
currently seeing the first group. If you enter 1, you'll see the second
group. Putting a higher number will give you a blank screen, as there are
only two groups.