Fractal Tree

What is it ? :

This is not really a coloring. It was designed to be used with the "Pixel" formula you can find in mt.ufm. It draws a fractal tree (I don't know the name of this fractal). By playing with the transfer function and the color density of the coloring tab, you should be able to get a nice tree.
You can also select the "Distance extimator" mode with a formula other than pixel. Then it will compute some iterations (what you specified in "Iteration to observe") and then apply the coloring. You will get a distorted tree.

The Parameters :

Mode :
- Pixel : use it with "Pixel" in mt.ufm
- Distance Estimator : With any other formula. Try changing "Iteration to observe".

Dist. Est. Power : The distance is raised to this power after being computed. Set it close to 0 (0.1 or 0.01) to get a nice thin tree.

Tree Order : The number of branches in which each branch will split.

Angle between branches : (...)

Tree Magnification : Specify how smaller is a branch compared to the preceding one.

Number of iterations : The number of branch generations.

Iteration to observe : With the "Distance Estimator" mode. Define which iterations will be used to estimate the distance from the point to the tree.

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Fractal Tree Trap

What is it ? :

This coloring use the Fractal Tree as an orbit trap.

The Parameters :

Dist. Est. Power : The distance is raised to this power after being computed. Set it close to 0 (0.1 or 0.01) to get a nice thin tree.

Tree Order : The number of branches in which each branch will split.

Angle between branches : (...)

Tree Magnification : Specify how smaller is a branch compared to the preceding one.

Number of iterations : The number of branch generations.

First\Last iteration to trap : At which iteration the trapping will begin\end.

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Gradient for "Family"

What is it ? :

This coloring was designed to be used with the "Family" formulas. It just allow you to display a squarry or circly gradient in each of the squares of the tiling. This is useful to do frames or similar effects. The best formula to use with it is "Pixel" in mt.ufm. Use the same value as the one you used in the formula for the "Tiling displacement", "Tiling rotation" and "Size of the tiles" parameters.

To see some examples, look at the ones of Julifamily.

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Gradient for Octogon Limit

What is it ? :

This coloring was designed to be used with the Octogon Limit transform. It allow you to display a gradient that has exactly the shape of the base tile used in the Octogon Limit transform. It can be used to do frames for each tiles or to give them relief. The best formula to use with it is "Pixel" in mt.ufm. You must copy the values "Point 1", "Point 2", ..., "Point 10" you used in the transform and paste them in the corresponding fields of the coloring (so that the gradient has the same shape as the tiles you used).

Example :


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Octogonal Gradient

What is it ? :

This coloring was primarily designed to be used with the Octogon Limit transform, but can be of use in other situation. It displays a gradient that has an octogonal shape. The default parameter is such that the octogon is exactly the same as the one of Octogon Limit.  It can be used to frame the whole octogon, or to make the edge smoother. Note that you can get a square by setting the "Angle" parameter to either 0 or 45. Use it with "Pixel" in mt.ufm.

Example :


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What is it ? :

This coloring allow you to see the orbits of the points iterated by the M-set formula. It's very slow. This is because UF's way of computing is not designed for this kind of algorythms. Use it with the pixel formula (in mt.ufm). If you want to see which point of the M-set you're actually selecting, add a layer with the M-set formula that you can see in "transparency". Be sure that the two layer have exactly the same location, magnification and rotation.

Example :


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Gradient for Smaller and Smaller

What is it ? :

This coloring displays a gradient that has the same shape you get using Smaller and Smaller. It can be used to frame the tiling, for instance. In order to get the right shape, you have to paste the values for "Point 1,...,10" you used in Smaller and Smaller in the corresponding fields of this transform.

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