1000 Please select a directory to store the extracted files. 1001 The folder '%1' does not exist. Do you want to create it? 1002 %1 1003 DEBUG: <%1> <%2> 1100 A required resource cannot be located. 1101 Unable to retrieve operating system version information. 1102 Memory allocation request failed. 1103 That directory is invalid. Please make sure the directoy exists and is writable. 1104 You must specify a directory or choose Cancel. 1105 Could not update folder edit box. 1106 Could not load functions required for browser dialog. 1107 Could not load Shell32.dll required for browser dialog. 1108 Windows 95 or Windows NT 4.0 Beta 2 or greater is required for this installation. 1109 Error loading %1 1110 Error getting procedure address 1111 Windows 95 or Windows NT is required to install 1112 Could not create folder '%1' 1113 Error setting an LDID to '%1' 1114 INF Install failure. Reason: %1 1115 INF Install failure. Reason: Unkown 1116 INF Syntax is incorrect: Flag in IExpressDestination section is out of bounds. 1117 Incorrect INF file syntax in section '%1' 1118 Missing required section '%1' in INF file 1119 Missing quotes in INF section '%1' 1120 Missing comma in INF section '%1' 1121 User cancelled install 1122 Error generating short name 1123 Error registering the OCX %1 1124 Error adding runonce entry to register OCX %1 on next boot 1125 Invalid registry root key specified in INF installation file 1126 Error retrieving Windows directory 1127 INF section '%1' is too large to process 1128 The INF file was closed unexpectedly 1129 Error converted Unicode string to ANSI string 1130 Error calling function '%1' 1131 To install this package, you need %1 KB disk space on this drive. It is recommended that you free up the required disk space before you continue. \n\nDo you still want to continue? 1132 Can not change to destination directory. 1133 Unable to get disk-space information.