QUESTION: I dropped a TOraDB and a TAOraSQL components onto a form. I set the properties, and TAOraSQL.SQL property to 'select * from real_actl'. This table has many fields and it has a field, name TBLA. So I tried to open the dataset. Than I got a message: 'Field 'TBLA' not found!'. I missed something? ANSWER: If you use TAOraSQL for SQL queries your must define all fields manually. If your table has two fields: TBLA(integer) and TBBB(string) your can do next: AOraSQL.SetSQL('select * from real_actl'); AOraSQL1.AddField('TBLA',ftoInteger,0,True); AOraSQL1.AddField('TBBB',ftoString,50,True); AOraSQL.Open; The other way to call LoadFields method before Open. AOraSQL.SetSQL('select * from real_actl'); AOraSQL.LoadFields; AOraSQL.Open; If you use TOraSQL no any additional action need: OraSQL.SQL.Text:='select * from real_actl'; OraSQL.Open;