TMoon (Version 2.0 of 2001-07-07) This is a collection of some functions to calculate the phases of the moon and some connected data. To make this a nice Delphi component there's also a TImage descendent which shows the phase of the moon at a given date. For the quick use: move the files into your component path and include it with the file moon_reg.pas in your library. You can then just drop it onto your forms. This component is Public Domain. If you like it you can send me a thank you on a nice postcard from your hometown, but if you really want to send me money I won't complain :-) , but count it as a gift not a payment. If you use this component in one of your projects I'd appreciate it if you mention me somewhere. Only spread this component complete with all the readme's and sources. For documentation, contact information etc. read the help file supplied with the component. Have fun, Andreas H"orstemeier