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A new visits is defined as each new incoming visitor (viewing or browsing a page) who was not connected to your site during last 60 mn. sc
Number of client hosts (IP address) who came to visit the site (and who viewed at least one page).
This data refers to the number of different physical persons who had reached the site in any one day.
Number of times a page of the site is viewed (Sum for all visitors for all visits).
This piece of data differs from "hits" in that it counts only HTML pages as oppose to images and other files.
Number of times a page, image, file of the site is viewed or downloaded by someone.
This piece of data is provided as a reference only, since the number of "pages" viewed is often prefered for marketing purposes.
This piece of information refers to the amount of data downloaded by all pages, images and files within your site measured in KBs.
awstats recognizes each access to your site after a search from the 42 most popular Internet Search Engines and Directories (such as Yahoo, Altavista, Lycos, Google, Voila, etc...).
List of all external pages which were used to link (or eneter) to your site (Only the 25 most often used external pages are shown. Links used by the results of the search engines are excluded here because they have already been included on the previous line within this table.
This table shows the list of the most frequently keywords utilized to find your site from Internet Search Engines and Directories. (Keywords from the 42 most popular Search Engines and Directories are recognized by awstats, such as Yahoo, Altavista, Lycos, Google, Voila, etc...).
Robots (sometimes refer to Spiders) are automatic computer visitors used by many search engines that scan your web site to (1) index it and rank it, (2) collect statistics on Internet Web sites and/or (3) see if your site is still online.
awstats is able to recognize up to 255 robots.
No description for this error.
Request was understood by server but will be processed later.
Server has processed the request but there is no document to send.
Partial content.
Requested document was moved and is now at another address given in awnswer.
No description for this error.
Syntax error, server didn't understand request.
Tried to reach an URL where a login/password pair was required.
A high number within this item could mean that someone (such as a hacker) is attempting to crack, or enter into your site (hoping to enter a secured area by trying different login/password pairs, for instance).
Tried to reach an URL not configured to be reachable, even with an login/password pair (for example, an URL within a directory not defined as "browsable".).
Tried to reach a non existing URL. This error often means that there is an invalid link somewhere in your site or that a visitor mistyped a certain URL.
Server has taken too much time to respond to a request. This error frequently involves either a slow CGI script which the server was required to kill or an extremely congested web server.
Internal error. This error is often caused by a CGI program that had finished abnormally (coredump for example).
Unknown requested action.
Code returned by a HTTP server that works as a proxy or gateway when a real, targeted server doesn't answer successfully to the client's request.
Internal server error.
Gateway Time-out.
HTTP Version Not Supported.

Statistika pro:
Last update: 15 ╚vc 2000 - 16:30         Aktualizovat
Traffic:DomΘny / zem∞   Hosts   Roboti   Hodiny   Nep°elo╛enß IP adresa
Navigation:Strßnky/URL   Browsery (prohlφ╛eΦe)   OS   Verze Netscape   Verze MS Internet Explorer
Reference:P∙vod   HledanΘ v²razy
Ostatnφ: HTTP Chyby   Pages not found

Statistika pro  
Prvnφ nßv╣t∞vaM∞sφc ╚vc 2000
Rok 2000  
Poslednφ nßv╣t∞va
01 ╚vc 2000 - 13:3015 ╚vc 2000 - 14:46
PoΦet nßv╣t∞vUnikßtnφ nßv╣t∞vyStrßnekHityKb
(1.64 nßv╣t∞v/nßv╣t∞vnφka)
(9.5 strßnek/nßv╣t∞va)
(28.16 hity/nßv╣t∞va)
6283.22 kb
(51.08 kb/nßv╣t∞va)
PoΦet nßv╣t∞v: 0Unikßtnφ nßv╣t∞vy: 0 Strßnek: 0Hity: 0Kb: 0 PoΦet nßv╣t∞v: 0Unikßtnφ nßv╣t∞vy: 0 Strßnek: 0Hity: 0Kb: 0 PoΦet nßv╣t∞v: 0Unikßtnφ nßv╣t∞vy: 0 Strßnek: 0Hity: 0Kb: 0 PoΦet nßv╣t∞v: 0Unikßtnφ nßv╣t∞vy: 0 Strßnek: 0Hity: 0Kb: 0 PoΦet nßv╣t∞v: 0Unikßtnφ nßv╣t∞vy: 0 Strßnek: 0Hity: 0Kb: 0 PoΦet nßv╣t∞v: 0Unikßtnφ nßv╣t∞vy: 0 Strßnek: 0Hity: 0Kb: 0 PoΦet nßv╣t∞v: 123Unikßtnφ nßv╣t∞vy: 75 Strßnek: 1169Hity: 3464Kb: 6283.22 PoΦet nßv╣t∞v: 0Unikßtnφ nßv╣t∞vy: 0 Strßnek: 0Hity: 0Kb: 0 PoΦet nßv╣t∞v: 0Unikßtnφ nßv╣t∞vy: 0 Strßnek: 0Hity: 0Kb: 0 PoΦet nßv╣t∞v: 0Unikßtnφ nßv╣t∞vy: 0 Strßnek: 0Hity: 0Kb: 0 PoΦet nßv╣t∞v: 0Unikßtnφ nßv╣t∞vy: 0 Strßnek: 0Hity: 0Kb: 0 PoΦet nßv╣t∞v: 0Unikßtnφ nßv╣t∞vy: 0 Strßnek: 0Hity: 0Kb: 0

Strßnek: 10Hity: 69Kb: 40.19 Strßnek: 42Hity: 208Kb: 473.31 Strßnek: 47Hity: 175Kb: 534.12 Strßnek: 120Hity: 500Kb: 511.77 Strßnek: 21Hity: 59Kb: 78.83 Strßnek: 7Hity: 59Kb: 107.36 Strßnek: 25Hity: 82Kb: 224.25 Strßnek: 20Hity: 100Kb: 57.02 Strßnek: 20Hity: 113Kb: 145.91 Strßnek: 79Hity: 536Kb: 816.7 Strßnek: 63Hity: 465Kb: 723.41 Strßnek: 21Hity: 133Kb: 239.16 Strßnek: 217Hity: 284Kb: 820.65 Strßnek: 445Hity: 447Kb: 1189.22 Strßnek: 32Hity: 234Kb: 321.25

Nßv╣t∞vy domΘny/zem∞  
DomΘny / zem∞CodeStrßnekHityKb 
Czech Republiccz72418533841.42Strßnek: 724
Hity: 1853
Kb: 3841.42
Neznßm²ip32510331575.65Strßnek: 325
Hity: 1033
Kb: 1575.65
Commercialcom92515667.02Strßnek: 92
Hity: 515
Kb: 667.02
United Kingdomuk131334.56Strßnek: 13
Hity: 13
Kb: 34.56
Networknet1131104.85Strßnek: 11
Hity: 31
Kb: 104.85
Belgiumbe21031.79Strßnek: 2
Hity: 10
Kb: 31.79
Australiaau1827.08Strßnek: 1
Hity: 8
Kb: 27.08
Netherlandsnl110.82Strßnek: 1
Hity: 1
Kb: 0.82

TOP 25 z 77 hosts (75 Unikßtnφ nßv╣t∞vy)  
Nßv╣t∞vyStrßnekHityKbPoslednφ nßv╣t∞va
ns.empyreum.cz4514511172.8414 ╚vc 2000 - 01:45
Neznßm² (nep°elo╛enß IP)32510331575.65ProhlΘdnout detaily
prahae-5-27.dialup.vol.cz77117264.104 ╚vc 2000 - 20:08
pf.1stomni.com55373420.7510 ╚vc 2000 - 14:46
ptr.wisenut.com252577.8315 ╚vc 2000 - 03:31
firewall.czech-tv.cz2395315.4603 ╚vc 2000 - 21:36
prahab-99.dialup.vol.cz183451.7802 ╚vc 2000 - 22:11
a180-140.dialup.iol.cz1765171.2303 ╚vc 2000 - 14:56
prahae-3-65.dialup.vol.cz161668.4805 ╚vc 2000 - 00:20
prahac-13.dialup.vol.cz139340.0508 ╚vc 2000 - 12:08 ╚vc 2000 - 05:43
ds-soft-olomouc.customer.vol.cz1173205.8802 ╚vc 2000 - 16:09
dateld-222.dialup.vol.cz763156.4715 ╚vc 2000 - 11:25
prahae-2-100.dialup.vol.cz79215.1215 ╚vc 2000 - 09:21
jungle-cp.bbnplanet.com7105117.6711 ╚vc 2000 - 14:00
ns.zbirovia.cz63053.1213 ╚vc 2000 - 12:26
prahab-155.dialup.vol.cz66526.901 ╚vc 2000 - 13:51
prahae-3-59.dialup.vol.cz657115.5711 ╚vc 2000 - 11:09
ppp1327.praha.worldonline.cz63053.9811 ╚vc 2000 - 14:05
ppp434.praha.worldonline.cz531249.7510 ╚vc 2000 - 09:23
netcore242.zephyrtelecom.cz558139.2402 ╚vc 2000 - 14:27
redbox.cz554.1315 ╚vc 2000 - 05:16
wendy.lf2.cuni.cz455106.312 ╚vc 2000 - 17:29
mail.medialine.cz452105.3406 ╚vc 2000 - 13:11
mistralproxy.dkm.cz45498.2211 ╚vc 2000 - 18:53

RobotHityPoslednφ nßv╣t∞va
Googlebot3806 ╚vc 2000 - 23:59
Unknown robot (Not referenced robot)3806 ╚vc 2000 - 22:42
Inktomi Slurp2214 ╚vc 2000 - 12:34
LinkWalker1805 ╚vc 2000 - 10:42
larbin1513 ╚vc 2000 - 18:09
moget1204 ╚vc 2000 - 17:09
Scooter914 ╚vc 2000 - 12:46
Mercator (Not referenced robot)807 ╚vc 2000 - 03:34
Fast-Webcrawler (Not referenced robot)611 ╚vc 2000 - 22:57

Strßnek: 43Hity: 43Kb: 132.33 Strßnek: 436Hity: 436Kb: 1146.47 Strßnek: 7Hity: 14Kb: 40.35 Strßnek: 10Hity: 10Kb: 20.31 Strßnek: 12Hity: 12Kb: 41.52 Strßnek: 9Hity: 9Kb: 18.61 Strßnek: 4Hity: 11Kb: 34.9 Strßnek: 17Hity: 17Kb: 139.71 Strßnek: 18Hity: 99Kb: 213.21 Strßnek: 18Hity: 147Kb: 294.91 Strßnek: 7Hity: 14Kb: 15.34 Strßnek: 26Hity: 256Kb: 340.99 Strßnek: 29Hity: 116Kb: 207.03 Strßnek: 31Hity: 375Kb: 582.29 Strßnek: 137Hity: 682Kb: 1064.34 Strßnek: 147Hity: 147Kb: 419.17 Strßnek: 20Hity: 287Kb: 256.7 Strßnek: 5Hity: 184Kb: 115.23 Strßnek: 13Hity: 128Kb: 120.59 Strßnek: 82Hity: 206Kb: 293.55 Strßnek: 35Hity: 95Kb: 243.71 Strßnek: 32Hity: 117Kb: 382.24 Strßnek: 21Hity: 35Kb: 90.76 Strßnek: 10Hity: 24Kb: 68.83

TOP 25 z 52 strßnek  
Page-URL P°istup  
/php/objednat.php3545Strßnek: 545
/cenik.php3119Strßnek: 119
/switchup.php370Strßnek: 70
/switchleft.shtml58Strßnek: 58
HOME PAGE48Strßnek: 48
/list.shtml44Strßnek: 44
/mail/src/addressbook.php29Strßnek: 29
/mail/src/webmail.php16Strßnek: 16
/stat.html14Strßnek: 14
/php/login.php313Strßnek: 13
/webhosting.php312Strßnek: 12
/mail/src/login.php12Strßnek: 12
/kontakty.shtml11Strßnek: 11
/mail/src/compose.php10Strßnek: 10
/mail/src/right_main.php10Strßnek: 10
/mail/10Strßnek: 10
/mail/src/left_main.php9Strßnek: 9
/podminky.shtml9Strßnek: 9
/mail/src/switchup.php9Strßnek: 9
/ceniky.html9Strßnek: 9
/novinky.shtml8Strßnek: 8
/cen-list.shtml8Strßnek: 8
/cen-switch.html7Strßnek: 7
/webshop.php37Strßnek: 7
/mailform.php7Strßnek: 7

Browsery (prohlφ╛eΦe)  
MS Internet Explorer (Verze)178451.5 %
Netscape (Verze)103729.9 %
Neznßm²64218.5 %
TelePort Pro (Site grabber)10 %

Windows 9884624.4 %
Neznßm²642 18.5 %
Windows 200062317.9 %
Linux53415.4 %
Windows 9544012.7 %
Windows NT37810.9 %
Windows 3.xx10 %

Konekce z  
P°φmß adresa / OblφbenΘ (Bookmark):952 81.4 %1259 36.3 %
Odkaz z Newsgroup:0 %0 %
Odkaz z InternetovΘho vyhledßvaΦe :
- Google 10
- MSN 2
12 1 %12 0.3 %
Odkaz z jinΘ strßnky (jinΘ strßnky ne╛ vyhledßvaΦe) :
- http://www.webpage.cz9
27 2.3 %195 5.6 %
Odkaz z vlastnφ strßnky (jinß strßnka na serveru) :176 15 %1996 57.6 %

TOP 25 z 8 v²razy pou╛itΘ ve vyhledßvaΦi  
sony ddu 220e222.2 %
diamond viper v770 tnt2 16mb111.1 %
k6-3111.1 %
rhino ii bx111.1 %
hp surestore 5000 linux111.1 %
octek rhino ii111.1 %
s3 trio 3d update111.1 %
sφ╗ovΘ karty111.1 %

ChybovΘ k≤dy HTTP  
ChybovΘ k≤dy HTTPHityProcenta
404Not Found6872.3 %
302Found1111.7 %
301Moved Permanently99.5 %
206Partial Content44.2 %
400Bad Request22.1 %

Advanced Web Statistics 2.5 (build 34) - Created by awstats