Technical support

Quick Installation
Beginning in TCP/IP
What to do if you need  technical support
Update Information


Quick Installation

1) Install Control Panels / Network / Microsoft Protocol / TCP/IP on all computers in LAN. Assign IP address and subnet mask to the PC with WinProxy. This way set up binding TCP/IP -> internal network card only. Assign to other computers the following IP addresses, etc.

a) in case of a dial-up connection keep in binding TCP/IP -> dial-up adaptor possibly to obtain IP address from DHCP server.

b) in case, that there are two network cards on the computer running WinProxy, configure TCP/IP binding -> external network card in accordance with your ISP's instructions.

2) Using the Ping command <remote IP address> check the mutual network operation from all computers.

3) Install and run WinProxy.

4) Select Internet Explorer / Tools / Internet options / Connections / LAN Settings / Use a proxy server. In the Address field enter Proxy Host IP address and in the Port field enter 3128. Check Bypass server for local (Intranet) addresses.

Do the same on all computers in LAN including the computer running WinProxy.

5) On the computer with modem select Internet Explorer / Tools / Internet Options / Connections / Dial-up Settings / Never dial a connection. Click on the Set up button and enter proxy server and port as in the above item and uncheck Automatically detect settings.

6) On the computer running WinProxy enter http://localhost:3129/admin and you will get to WinProxy Configuration. In case of a permanent connection it is not necessary to make further changes. In dial-up connection it is essential to select Configuration / Dial / Connection Name and enter correct Username and Password.

What to do if you require a technical support

Technical support is provided via e-mail only. Priority attention will be paid to inquiries from users who purchased WinProxy. In that case direct your inquiries with your serial number to The address is for potential customers.

  1. If you purchased WinProxy from a dealer, contact him. According to a dealer agreement he is obliged to provide a technical support free of charge.
  2. Read carefully FAQ and User's Manual. You might find an answer to your question there.
  3. Send e-mail to technical support. Describe precisely your problem and provide further information, which might help to solve it.

Update Information

WinProxy 1.5

WinProxy 1.4 update 3

1) last entries in the log files are shown first
2) fixed problem when WinProxy was restarted under Windows 98
3) WinProxy can be run as a service under Windows 95/98
4) Weekend can be excluded in mail processing
5) added new high priority mail headers that cause immediate mail send
6) increased number of recepients that can be specified in To and CC mail headers

WinProxy 1.4 update 2

1) fixed problem in the SOCKS server. ICQ through SOCKS server should work now.

WinProxy 1.4 update 1

1) fixed dialing problem when RRAS Steel Head is installed
2) mail server handles better error messages
3) fixed problem when certain messages could not be downloaded from the mail server