Snake 1.6 (c) David Högborg 010517 Why snake? Well it didnīt start out as a snake game, is jusst beccame one as I was playing around manipulating some pixels. The source code (included) is jusst 300 lines of code! News in 1.6 1. You can use the snake.ini file to set the speed of the snake. News in 1.5 1. All the rules are fixed now, you canīt bite yor tail and you canīt walk trou walls! 2. Walls! the red things are walls, you can design them by yor self in the file walls.bmp, black is walls white is space. 3. Easyer to eat the blobs. Problems? Yes, a few... 1. The snake can be a little hard to see in high res. since the snake is only one pixel wide, and we all knov that a pixel is verry small. 2. Somtimes the colors go "crazy", and since the rules are based om color codes, nothing will work correct. Jusst restart the game... 3. The blobs are placed on the map by a randomizer, so if you make a map whith alot of walls (ALOT!) , it will take some time for the new blobs to be placed on the map since they canīt be placed on a wall.