Delphi 2-6 Ruler component, version 1.1, 30 jun 2001 ==================================================== (c) 2000, 2001 Hans Roos, Roos Software, The Netherlands Website: Email: Features: 4 layouts rdTop, rdLeft, rdRight and rdBottom with automatic scale adjustments for each layout Scale: from 1-1000 Units: Inches, Centimetres, Millimetres Automatic calculation of scalenumbers (no overlapping) Sideways text for vertical layouts Flat or 3D appearance TRsRulerCorner: extra component for joining up to 4 rulers, can show the unit ('cm', 'mm' or 'in') See demo project for usage Licence: Freeware! Use in non-commercial or commercial apps Feel free to modify the source for your own needs, but don't remove my name from this file, please. If you find this component useful, please let me know. Don't send money, just be grateful ;) Known issues: None Future expansions: Better scale divisions when Inches are used (is it customary to divide inches in 4ths, 8ths, 16ths etc?) Use custom colors/fonts Anything YOU can think of; please let me know!! ( NEW in v 1.1: ============ Hairline property indicating cursor position Choice of 2 styles for the hairline: hlsLine and hlsRect. See demo for usage. Installation: ============ Unzip RsRuler.pas and RsRuler.dcr to your comps directory In Delphi, choose Component|Install component and specify path to RsRuler.pas TRsRuler and TRsRulerCorner will be installed on the 'Roos' tab. Feel free to alter this! Usage: ===== See demo project (Exe also supplied) First, place TPanels on the sides of the form. (Align = alTop, alLeft, etc.) Then, drop RsRuler component on these panels and set Align property to alClient Now, when you resize your form, the panels will resize with it, and so do the Rulers... Enjoy! Hans.