TIfPasToken is used to store the token.
TIFParserErrorKind is used to store the error the parser returns (iNoError, iCommentError, iStringError, iCharError or iSyntaxError).
TIFParserError is used to store the error and position of the error.
function StrToReal(const S: string): Extended;
Convert a string to an Real value.
function StrToIntDef(const S: string; Def: LongInt): LongInt;
Convert a string to an integer. When error occurs it's DEF.
function StrToInt(const S: string): LongInt;
Convert a string to an integer.
function Padr(s: string; i: longInt): string;
Adds spaces to the end to make it length I.
function Padz(s: string; i: longInt): string;
Adds zeros to the beginning until it's length I.
function Padl(s: string; i: longInt): string;
Adds spaces to the beginning until it's length I.
function FloatToStr(E: Extended): string;
Float to string conversion.
function IntToStr(I: LongInt): string
Integer to string conversion.
function FastUpperCase(const s: string): string;
FastUppercase a string.
function FastLowerCase(const s: string): string;
FastLowercase a string
function Fw(const S: string): string;
Return the first word of that string.
procedure Rs(var S: string);
Remove the spaces are the beginning of the string.
procedure RFw(var s: string);
Removes the first word.