Jazarsoft AppEx 2.2
Mayl 2001
Copyright (c) 2000-2001 Jazarsoft
This code may be used and modified by anyone so long as this header and copyright
information remains intact.
The code is provided "as-is" and without warranty of any kind, expressed, implied or otherwise, including and
without limitation, any warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.
In no event shall the author be liable for any special, incidental, indirect or consequential damages whatsoever
(including, without limitation, damages for loss of profits, business interruption, loss of information, or any other
loss), whether or not advised of the possibility of damage, and on any theory of liability, arising out of or in
connection with the use or inability to use this software.
AutoRun | Description | Registry AutoRun Description |
Enabled | Enable AutoRun ? | |
Executable | Your Application Executable | |
Global | AutoRun for all User ? | |
Style | When Your Program will start ? arsLogin (When user login), arsStart (When Windows started), arsWarmBoot(When computer in warmboot mode), arsFirstStart(When and ONLY windows start for the first time) |
Hotkey | Enabled | Enable Hot Key ? |
HotKeyCount | Get total number of assigned hotkeys | |
Add | Assign Hotkey | |
Delete | Delete Hotkey | |
Clear | Clear Hotkey list | |
InfoRun | Enabled | Enable/Disable Application Error Analysis ? |
Information | Shows all information about your program execution (start & finish) | |
INIFilename | INI File where informasion saved | |
LastCompileDate | When your Application compiled | |
LastDesignDate | When your Application designed. | |
OnceRun | Enabled | Limit 1 copy of your program for the same time ? |
AtomId | Unique Identifier for your application on Atom | |
Parameters | All program parameters | |
Process | PriorityClass | Application Process Priority pcNormal (Indicates a normal process with no special scheduling needs), pcIdle (Indicates a process whose threads run only when the system is idle and are preempted by the threads of any process running in a higher priority class. An example is a screen saver.), pcHigh (Indicates a process that performs time-critical tasks that must be executed immediately for it to run correctly. The threads of a high-priority class process preempt the threads of normal or idle priority class processes. An example is Windows Task List), pcRealTime (Indicates a process that has the highest possible priority. The threads of a real-time priority class process preempt the threads of all other processes, including operating system processes performing important tasks.) |
ServiceProcess | Hide your Application from Ctrl + Alt + Del Trap ? | |
Security | AntiSoftIce | Check if SoftIce was started when your application starts ? |
VersionInfo | CompanyName | Shows "CompanyName" in Version Info |
Copyright | Shows "LegalCopyright" in Version Info | |
FileDescription | Shows "FileDescription" in Version Info | |
FileVersion | Shows "FileVersion" in Version Info | |
ProductName | Shows "ProductName" in Version Info | |
ProductVersion | Shows "ProductVersion" in Version Info | |
Trademark | Shows "LegalTrademark" in Version Info |
Procedure Flash(Flash,Time: Integer); | Flash main window. |
Procedure UnInstall; | Uninstall on next window session (self-delete) |
Function ExportResource(Name, Category, TargetFilename : String; Overwrite:Boolean):tExportResourceResult; | Export from resources |
Procedure RegisterFileType(Ext, Description,Icon : String); | Associate spesific file type with your program |
OnHotKey | Triggered when a Hotkey was pressed. |
OnSoftIceRun | Triggered when SoftIce detected in Memory |
OnRunAsSecondCopy | Triggered when another application copy detected |
OnParameterFounded | Triggered when "norma" parameter founded (e.g : /A, /B, /C) |
OnParameterValueFounded | Triggered when "value" parameter founded (e.g: /A:VALUE, /B:VALUE, /C:VALUE) |
OnUserChanged | Triggered after user log on or off. |
OnDisplayChanged | Triggered after display resolution changed |
May 19, 2001