RX Library 2.75 port to Delphi 6, v0.9 (by Oleg Fyodorov) ========================================================= TABLE OF CONTENTS ----------------- Overview Compatibility with your older code History Installation Help files Copyright Notes Overview -------- This port is a non-commercial product. Feel free to distribute it as long as all files are unmodified and kept together. The authors disclaim all warranties as to this software, whether express or implied, including without limitation any implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. Use under your own responsibility, but comments (even critique) in English (or in Russian) are welcome. Compatibility with your older code ----------------------------------- - StrUtils is renamed to rxStrUtils to avoid the names conflict with Borland's StrUtils module. - DBFilter.pas is removed due to the Access Violation in dcc60.dll when compiling. History ------- June, 24, 2001 - version 0.9 First version. Deprecated and platform-dependent functions are ingnored. Therefore rxctl6.dpk still has 90 warnings, rxdb6.dpk - 7 and rxbde6.dbk - 4. Installation ------------ If you have Delphi 6 Professional or Personal Edition, deactivate the conditional define {$DEFINE DCS} in the RX.INC file before compiling the library. Use "File\Open..." menu item of Delphi IDE to open RX' runtime package RXCTL6.DPK. In "Package..." window click "Compile" button to compile packages RXCTL6.DPK. After compiling repeat that for other RX Library run-time packages RXDB6.DPK, RXBDE6.DPK. Put compiled BPL files into directory that is accessible through the search PATH (i.e. DOS "PATH" environment variable; for example, in the Windows\System directory). After compiling RX run-time packages you must install RX design-time packages into the IDE. Use "File\Open..." menu item to open RX design-time package DCLRX6.DPK. In "Package..." window click "Compile" button to compile the package and then click "Install" button to register RX Library components on the component palette. Repeat that for other RX Library design-time packages DCLRXDB6.DPK and DCLRXBD6.DPK. NOTE: do not save package sources in the Delphi IDE. Help files ---------- Native RX Library help files are available in Russian only. But there are many third-party help files for RX Library in English, that you can easily download and install into your Delphi 6 environment. Copyright Notes --------------- RX Library is a copyright of http://www.rxlib.com team: Fedor Kozhevnikov (fkozh@iname.com) Igor Pavluk (igorp@mail.com) Serge Korolev (korolev@usa.net) Delphi 6 port made by: Oleg Fyodorov (delphi@oxygensoftware.com) http://www.oxygensoftware.com