TdfsPageSetupDialog v2.14 Description: A component to wrap the PageSetupDlg API function that Borland forgot. It is a common dialog available on the Win95 platform, so it can not be used with Delphi 1.0. Contact Information: The lateset version will always be available on the web at: If you have any questions, comments or suggestions, please use the Delphi Free Stuff Support Forum at: If, for some reason, you can not use the web-based support forum, you can email me at However, the support forum will always take precedence over direct email since it provides a resource that others can use when they have a problem. Every message posted to the forum is emailed directly to this account, so emailing me directly will not get your message to me any faster. It will only make the message less important for me to respond to since only one person (you) is benefiting from it instead of everyone interested. Having said all that, please do email me directly if it is regarding something that isn't really support related, i.e. just to say thanks (as novel as that idea is). Installation: Delphi 1: * This component is not compatible with Delphi 1. Delphi 2, C++Builder 1: * Select the 'Component | Install' menu item. * In the Install Components dialog, click the Add button. * In the Add Module dialog, enter the full path name of the component's registration unit (the unit that ends with 'Reg.pas', i.e. 'BrowseDrReg.pas') and click OK. * In the Add Module dialog, click OK. * The component library will be rebuilt and a new tab named 'DFS' will be available on the Component Palette. Delphi 3, 4, 5, C++Builder 3 & 4: * Do one of the following: + Create a new package by selecting File | New and choosing Package from the New tab in the dialog. + Open an existing package file. I suggest you do this if you already have a package that you like to use for small, third party components. I specifically have a package named "3rdParty.dpk" that I use for small components that come from other people. Or, if you are using several of my components, you might create a "DFS.dpk" package and use it for all of my DFS components. * In the resulting package window, click the Add button. * In the Add dialog, on the Add Unit tab, enter the full path name of the component's registration unit (the unit that ends with 'Reg.pas', i.e. 'BrowseDrReg.pas') and click OK. * You may want to add the other source files (*.pas) to the package as well in the same manner as you did the registration unit. While this is not required, not doing it will cause compiler warnings when the package is compiled. The component will function fine either way, but I personally find the warnings very irritating and am not happy until every compiler warning and hint is gone. * If this package is new, or it has never been installed, click the Install button in the package window. If this package is already installed in Delphi, click the Compile button. C++Builder 5 and up: * Perform the "Delphi 3 and up, C++Builder 3 and up" steps above, except for the last step (Compile or Install). * Select the package the component has been added to, and choose Project | Edit Option Source to open the package options in the editor. * In the entry for PFLAGS, add the "-LUvcl50" option. For example: * Perform the final step from above, Compile or Install. * For Borland's official word on this situation, open the C++Builder help file and search the index for "dsgnintf.dcu" and see the "Compiling packages with DsgnIntf" section. Delphi 6 and up: * Perform the "Delphi 3, 4, 5, C++Builder 3 & 4" steps above, except for the last step (Compile or Install). * Add the DesignIDE package to the Requires list of the package into which the component is being installed. * Perform the final step from above, Compile or Install. * This is necessary because of changes to the design-time support units introduced in Delphi 6. For complete information, see the Del6New.hlp file in your Delphi 6 Help directory. In the index, search for "upgrade issues" and in the resulting list of topics, select the "DsgnIntf renamed and related changes" topic. Known Issues: * There appears to be a bug in the PageSetupDlg Win32 API function. If the PSD_INHUNDREDTHSOFMILLIMETERS flag is used, default minimum margins aren't enforced by the dialog. If PSD_INTHOUSANDTHSOFINCHES is used, they are enforced. The reason I think it is an API bug is that Notepad exhibits the exact same behavior. Try this: Run Notepad with the U.S. measurement system and the Metric system. You'll notice under U.S. that when you go into the page setup dialog of Notepad, it will default to your printer's minimum margins if you enter a value of 0 for any of the margins. Under metric, you'll notice that entering a value of 0 will be accepted. You can change the measurement system you are currently using by going into the Regional Settings Control Panel and chaning the Measurement System on the Number tab. Note that this only affects the dialog when poDefaultMinMargins is set in the Options property. If this flag is not set, the values in the MinimumMargins property will be used and enforced by the dialog. So, a possible work-around for this problem might be to simply leave out the poDefaultMinMargins flag. This would result in the default minimum margins being read by the component at start up, and then used by the dialog as hard-coded values that it will enforce. I have not tried this, but it seems like it should work. * Long delays when using the component: It is possible that using this component can cause long delays at certain points in your app (when creating a form that has the component on it). This is caused by "WinPrinters". For those who don't know, many manufacturers are now selling what are known as WinPrinters. These operate on the same principle as WinModems (what used to be called RPI modems): Move some/most/all of the brains out of the printer and put it in the software driver. This has some benefits, upgrades via software instead of hardware being the most compelling, but the tradeoff is that using the device places a much greater burden on your system since it now has to do work that the printer itself used to do. Usually, on less than state-of-the-art machines or with really stupid WinPrinters, this means other software's performance suffers when the printer is being used. I've tried to minimize the impact in the component by only talking to the printer when I have to, but you still may see delays. The best suggestion I have at the moment is to always make sure that the printer involved has the most current drivers available installed for it. I have seen this issue resolved in at least one case by using an updated driver. Revision History: 2.14 + Updated for Delphi 6 compatibility. See updated install directions above. 2.13 + Updated for C++Builder 5 compatibility. 2.12 + Make the PaperSizeType property read/write, not just read. This is useful for setting the paper size type before showing the dialog. Also, it's the only way to set the paper size as changing the PaperSize property seems to have no effect on the dialog. For a description of valid values used with the property, look up "DEVMODE" in the Win32 SDK help file. Things like DMPAPER_LETTER and DMPAPER_LEGAL. 2.11 + Reworked when the default property values are retrieved from the system. See Known Issues section above. 2.10 + It's *really* D5 compatible now. Small change between the D5 eval version and the real, shipping D5 version broke it. 2.09 + Fixed nasty little problem with HInstance not being set correctly in the DoExecute method. Many thanks to Andreas Hoerstemeier for catching this. 2.08 + Classname changed. + D5 compatibility. 2.07 + Updated for C++Builder 4 compatibility. 2.06 + Component will now check to see if there are any printers installed before trying to call the PageSetupDlg API function. Before, if there wasn't a printer installed, you'd get error messages to that effect by simply running a program with the component installed. Now, the error message won't be displayed until the user actually tries to bring up the dialog. 2.05 + PaperSizeType public property. This will return the paper type of the currently selected printer. Constants for these values are defined in Windows.pas, and are documented in the Win32.hlp file under the "DEVMODE" topic, dmPaperSize member. A common use for this is to determine if the user has selected the user-defined paper size value (DMPAPER_USER constant), thus indicating that you need to get the size desired from the user. + Demo app updated a bit for better rich edit stuff. Thanks to Christopher Sansone for doing this. 2.04 + Added PgSetupReg unit. All IDE specific code (i.e. registering the component, property editors, etc.) are contained in this unit. This was done for two primary reasons: 1) Using the component in a Delphi or C++Builder expert would register the component as well. 2) Reduce code size in some cases -- usually the smart linker removes this sort of stuff since the app never references it, but now it's for certain since it isn't even in the unit. This change means that you need to install the component using the new "registration" unit instead of the unit containing the component. 2.03: + Seriously nasty bugs that wouldn't update properties like PageSize after the user made a selection. Fixed. + Updated demo project to work with either inches or millimeters. + Updated Known Issues above. 2.02: + PageSize, Margins, MinimumMargins didn't seem to get the system default values if the Measurements property was pmDefault. I've reworked the whole thing and it seems to work as it should now. + Changing Measurements property would not update custom values of the PageSize, Margins, and MinimumMargins properties. They would only update if they contained the system defaults. Fixed. + Forgot to include the updated demo in the distribution archive. Old demo wouldn't compile... 2.01: + Added Version property. 2.00: + MinimumMargins weren't being enforced. Default minimums were always being used. That should only happen if poDefaultMinMargins is set in Options. Fixed. + PageSize, Margins, and MinimumMargins are all now published instead of public. They initially have the default values of the system, and if you do not change them, they will continue to get the default values of the system the application is run on. That is, if your printer has a default margin setting of 1000, 1000, 1000, 1000, but one of your user's has a printer that has 750, 750, 750, 750, the component will show your settings at design time, but use the system's defaults that it is being run on. However, if you change the values, they are then stored in your DFM file and used on everyone's system. If you change the values and they are thus stored this way and you change your mind, you can get it to revert back to the system defaults by editing your form file (right click on it and select View As Text) and removing the entries for that property entirely. + PageSize, Margins, and MinimumMargins now contain the system defaults when initially created. This is done by calling ReadCurrentValues in the constructor, therefor you will rarely need to call this method yourself. + The following enhancements were suggested by Indridi Bjornsson and based on code sent by him. Many thanks. + New DefaultMeasurements read-only property that indicates how the current system likes to measure things (inches or millimeters) and an associated CurrentMeasurements property that translates pmDefault into the system value so you get only a pmInches or pmMillimeters value. + Measurements property has a new default value, pmDefault. If set to this, the value of DefaultMeasurments will be used in order to use the preferences set on the current system. + Added two new methods, FromMeasurementVal and ToMeasurementVal to convert a value such as Margins.Top to a double value and vice versa based on current measurement type. For example, if the paper size is 8 1/2 inches and pmInches is the current measurement system, PageSize.X would have a value of 8500. FromMeasurementVal would convert that to 8.5. 1.10: + Added ReadCurrentValues method so the properties can be populated from the system and can be read without actually displaying the dialog. 1.04: + New property: Centered. I bet you can guess what it's for. + Fixed problem with C++Builder 3 run-time packages. 1.03: + Updated for new DFS.INC file, component tab name, history/comments file. 1.02: + Updated to for compatibility with Delphi 3. 1.01: + Added "property editor" to allow testing the dialog at design-time. Just right click on it and select 'Test Dialog' from the menu. 1.00: + Initial release.