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Project Author: Tanya Laforge (Grade2Providence@aol.com)

Project Title: Creepiest of all Crawlies

Project Begin & End Dates: 4/02/01 to 4/13/01

Project Summary:
Participating classes will be polled to find out what insect found in their area they think is the "creepiest".

Project Details
Project Level: Basic

Curriculum Area: History and Social Studies, Science

Technologies Used: Email

Full Project Description:
We are looking for one class from each state in the USA, and ten classes in other countries to share with us, through e-mail, what they think is the "creepiest crawlie" (insect) that lives in your area.  We will also need a brief description of the climate of your area.  If your registration is accepted, you will be required to send the following information to Grade2Providence@aol.com between April 2 and 13, 2001: Your name, your e-mail address, location of your class, "creepiest crawlie" (please be specific - i.e. "tarantula", not "spider"), and a brief description of the climate in your area.

This project will be a major source of geography instruction throughout my unit on insects.  My class will chart each response on a USA and world map.  We will also be creating a class book that displays a picture of each insect and the  information sent with each.  Results, including insects from each area and the area's climate, will be shared with cooperating classes.

Project Registration Information
Project Email Address: Grade2Providence@aol.com

Registration Acceptance Dates: 3/01/01 to 3/26/01

Number of Classrooms: 60

Age Range: 5 to 11 years

Target Audience: Anyone

Registration Instructions:
To register, send an e-mail to Grade2Providence@aol.com.  Please include your name, e-mail address, and location.  You will be notified within 24 hours upon receipt of your registration request as to your acceptance.  One class from each state will be chosen to participate, so please register promptly.  Responses from ten other countries will be accepted.  All those wishing to participate, please contact me by March 26, 2001.

Project Contact Information
Tanya Laforge - mailto:Grade2Providence@aol.com
Grade 2 Student Teacher -  Lillian Feinstein Sackett Street Elementary School
Providence, Rhode Island

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