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Project Author: Diane Quirk (quirk@dreamscape.com)

Project Title: Spring Around the World 2001

Project Begin & End Dates: 3/20/01 to 3/20/01

Project Summary:
The purpose of this project is to gather information from a variety of locations regarding the temperature on the first day of Spring.  Students will be able to use this information to help them understand differences in weather all around the world.

Project Details
Project Level: Basic

Curriculum Area: Arts, History and Social Studies, Information Technology, Language, Mathematics, Science

Technologies Used: Email

Full Project Description:
This project is now in its fourth year. On Monday, March 20, 2001, record the outside temperature at 12:00 noon (your time) and send that information to the project coordinator. The data collected will then be forwarded to all participating classes. With this data you are then free to do as you wish.  What can you do to add to this project or work with this information? Share literature about Spring with your class. Use predicting skills before the data is in: which locations do you think will have higher/lower temperatures than yours? Based on the weather in your area recently, take a guess at what you think the temperature will be on the first day of Spring. Make a graphic organizer about the changes that happen as Spring arrives. You can graph the temperatures for math, locate the participating classes on a map for social studies, write a story about Spring in a different part of the world and compare it to your location for Language Arts, draw  a picture for Art, make a qu!
ilt of Spring pictures, etc. A web site will be created for this project at:
http://www.wiredteaching.org/spring2001/ (will be up and running soon) The website will contain appropriate standards which can be met through this project, examples of activities and a literature list.The project coordinator is Diane Quirk. (quirk@ dreamscape.com)

Share world wide weather information with other classes.  This information can be used in a number of ways in support of local, state and national standards.

Project Registration Information
Project Email Address: quirk@dreamscape.com

Registration Acceptance Dates: 2/01/01 to 3/15/01

Number of Classrooms: unlimite

Age Range: 5 to 11 years

Target Audience: Anyone

Project URL: http://www.wiredteaching.org/spring2001/

Registration Instructions:
Upon registering, you will receive a confirmation e-mail.  Temperature data should be sent to the project coordinator as soon as it is gathered on March 20, 2001.  Data will be shared with participants by March 21, 2001 and will be displayed on the project web site.

Project Contact Information
Diane Quirk - mailto:quirk@dreamscape.com
Minetto, New York

© 2001 IT PedF UK Praha