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Project Author: Fabio Rodrigues (frodri@pin.yazigi.com.br)

Project Title: New Years' Resolutions

Project Begin & End Dates: 2/01/01 to 3/30/01

Project Summary:
Students were asked to tell their New Year's resolutions , and they want to know what are yours ...
Showing cultural differences between Brazil and other countries all around the world .

Project Details
Project Level: Basic

Curriculum Area: History and Social Studies, Language, Vocational Education

Technologies Used: Email, Web Based Discussion Forum

The students had the opportunity to practice what had been studied, using the English language with the purpose of expressing themselves in real situations.

Project Registration Information
Project Email Address: frodri@pin.yazigi.com.br

Registration Acceptance Dates: 2/01/01 to 3/30/01

Number of Classrooms: any

Age Range: 5 to 19 years

Target Audience: International ()

Project URL: http://pin.yazigi.com.br/biu3sport.htm

Registration Instructions:
We would like to know yopur opinion about our project. Also , we would like you to  interact with us by telling us your new year's resolutions for 2001 , concerning the following topics :

Project Contact Information
Fabio Rodrigues - mailto:frodri@pin.yazigi.com.br
 Yßzigi Internexus
Pindamonhangaba, Sπo Paulo,BR

© 2001 IT PedF UK Praha