P°ehled mezinßrodnφch sφ¥ov²ch projekt∙
pro zßkladnφ a st°ednφ Ükoly
Project Author: Ellie Huffman (danclemence@boris.davis.uri.edu)
Project Title: Send me a postcard
Project Begin & End Dates: 3/20/00 to 4/20/00
Project Summary:
I would like to collect & share a variety of student made postcards. The students write a brief description, on the postcard, about some aspect of a country they are studying. The postcard should also have a drawing that tells something about the country being written about on the postcard.
Project Details
Project Level: Basic
Curriculum Area: Arts, History and Social Studies, Language, Technology
Technologies Used: Email
Full Project Description:
I would like my students to collect and share a variety of student made postcards. The postcards should describe countries from around the world that students are studying. The postcards should also have a student made drawing, on the front, showing something about the country they are writing about. Through this project students will have the opportunity to learn a great deal about various places around the world from other children. When postcards are completed they should be email to me and I will post them on a websitedesigned for this project.
Students will use their language abilities to compose descriptions of the chosen countries.
Students will use their artistic talent to design an appropriate picture for the front of their postcards.
Students will read postcards, from other children, describing other countries, to gain awareness of geographical locations.
Students will be able to identify various places on the map/globe.
Project Registration Information
Project Email Address: danclemence@boris.davis.uri.edu
Registration Acceptance Dates: 3/13/00 to 4/20/00
Number of Classrooms: 20
Age Range: 7 to 12 years
Target Audience: Anyone
Registration Instructions:
Teachers who wish to participate must have access to a scanner. Postcards will be emailed to me. There is a limited amount of registration time because I am a student teacher and I will only be in my classroom until the begining of May.
Participants will receive a printable postcard that may be used. There will be a web page that will display all postcards sent to me, the web page is not up yet but will be soon!
Project Contact Information
Ellie Huffman - mailto:danclemence@boris.davis.uri.edu
Student teacher - Greenbush Elementary School
West Warwick, Rhode Island
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