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Project Author: Lori Whitman (Lwhitman@aol.com)

Project Title: Communities Around the World

Project Begin & End Dates: 4/06/01 to 5/01/01

Project Summary:
We are looking for kindergarten/first grade classes that would like to join us in a community project. Participating classes are to take 10 photographs of places in their community. The pictures are to be incorporated into a Power Point slide show that will include information about each community building represented. The slideshow needs to be completed by May 1, 2001. Slideshows are then to be emailed to each of the participating schools.

Project Details
Project Level: Basic

Curriculum Area: Community Interest, History and Social Studies, Language

Technologies Used: Email

Full Project Description:
We are looking for kindergarten/first grade classes that would like to join us in a community project. Participating classes are to take 10 photographs of places in their community. (A list of places is provided.) The pictures are to be incorporated into a Power Point slide show. The slideshow should include information about each community building that is represented. The slideshow needs to be completed by May 1, 2001. Slideshows are then to be emailed to each of the participating schools. Email addresses for these schools will be provided as soon as a list of participants is organized.

List of places:
Fire Station
Police Station
Grocery Store
Sample Residence (house, apartment, etc)
Post Office
and two places of your choice

If you are interested in joining this project please email me at Lwhitman@aol.com as soon as possible. Space will be limited to the first 10 schools.

Students will have a better understanding of their own community and learn about other communities throughout the world. Students will create a slideshow using Power Point to inform other schools about their community.

Project Registration Information
Project Email Address: Lwhitman@aol.com

Registration Acceptance Dates: 4/01/01 to 5/01/01

Number of Classrooms: 10

Age Range: 5 to 7 years

Target Audience: Anyone

Registration Instructions:
Participating schools must have Power Point software.

Project Contact Information
Lori Whitman - mailto:Lwhitman@aol.com
Staff Developer -  NYC Board of Education
Bronx, New York

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