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Project Author: Lynda Smith 

Project Title: The Tooth Tally Project

Project Begin & End Dates: 2/01/01 to 4/27/01

Project Summary:
The Tooth Tally Project returns for a third year!  First grade students and teachers
will use email to collect and exchange data about something most first graders
have in common:  Lost teeth!  They'll use this data to create graphs and charts,
solve math problems, and write stories.  Each class in the project will be assigned
to a group and will correspond with the other first grade classes in their group.

Project Details
Project Level: Basic

Curriculum Area: Health and Physical Education, History and Social Studies, Information Technology, Technology

Technologies Used: Email

Full Project Description:
Timeline: The project officially begins on February 1, 2001. Each class will submit
a lost tooth count once a month. The project will conclude on April 27, 2001.

Each class will be assigned to a group when the join.  The teacher will send an email
message introducing his/her class to their group. The number of classes in the group
will depend on how many classes join the project but will probably be 8 or 9 classes.
The teacher will begin keeping an official count of how many teeth are lost by the
first graders in the class.  By posting these numbers on a bulletin board in the class,
the students can practice graphing skills daily. This data can also be used to do
daily math problems involving teeth.  Examples of problems will be shared among the
teachers in the groups. Once a month, each teacher will send an email to the other
group members stating the official number of lost teeth in their classroom for that
month.  Teachers can use this data to do comparisions. Examples are on the project
website.  Complete directions will be emailed to teachers when they register for the

Project Registration Information
Project Email Address: ljsmith@wcpss.net

Registration Acceptance Dates: 1/08/01 to 1/30/01

Number of Classrooms: open

Age Range: 6 to 6 years

Target Audience: Anyone

Project URL: http://schools.wcpss.net/Wilburn/tooth01.htm

Project Contact Information
Lynda Smith - mailto:ljsmith@wcpss.net
Technology Coordinator -  Wilburn Elementary School
Raleigh, North Carolina

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