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Project Author: Matt Granger 

Project Title: When is Your Birthday?

Project Begin & End Dates: 9/01/00 to 12/22/00

Project Summary:
Classes will do a simple survey to determine what month the student birthdays are in. Results will be sent to me, then forwarded to all participants to use as they please.

Our goal is to get  large sample size to determine if there are months that consistenty have more births than others.

Project Details
Project Level: Basic

Curriculum Area: Community Interest, History and Social Studies, Mathematics

Technologies Used: Email

Full Project Description:
We are trying to find out if more people are born in certain months throughout the year. We surveyed our class and whole school and drew conclusions. Now we want to expand our sample size to see it the numbers change.

Each participant will receive all of the data we collect throughout the project, starting with our class and school data. As other classes respond, I will forward their data to all of the other classrooms. You are free to use the data in any way you feel meets your needs.

Students will:
Use a spreadsheet program to set up a table and create graphs from the data collected

Use formulas in a spreadsheet to calculate

Draw conclusions from data

Interpret data.

Project Registration Information
Project Email Address: mgranger@d45.dupage.k12.il.us

Registration Acceptance Dates: 9/01/00 to 12/22/00

Number of Classrooms: 1000

Age Range: 5 to 19 years

Target Audience: Anyone

Project URL: http://franklin.d45.dupage.k12.il.us/schafer/third/granger/birthday/index.html

Registration Instructions:
Survey your class (or school) and send data on number of students born in each month to
Matt Granger


I will put you on a mailing list and forward all subsequent messages to you.

Project Contact Information
Matt Granger - mailto:mgranger@d45.dupage.k12.il.us
3rd grade teacher -  Schafer School
Lombard, Illinois

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