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Project Author: Mrs. Wendy Yeager [wyeager@lbi.k12.nj.us]

Project Title: First Day of Spring  March 20, 2000

Project Begin & End Dates: 2/25/00 to 3/30/00

Project Summary:
Description:  Students will determine the temperature and weather conditions on the FIRST DAY OF SPRING.   The students will then compile a complete list of all of the temperatures and weather conditions around the USA.

Project Details
Project Level: Basic

Curriculum Area: Community Interest, Information Technology, Language, Science, Technology

Technologies Used: Email

Full Project Description:

Description:  Students will determine the temperature and weather conditions on the FIRST DAY OF SPRING.  E-mail Mrs. Yeager
to register before March 17th. At 12 noon take the temperature in your area.  Describe the type of day:  cloudy, sunny, rainy, or snowy.  Have the class write
a brief statement about the weather conditions outside.  E-mail your results on March 20th to wyeager@lbi.k12.nj.us.

Sign up before March 17th. Include your schools URL if you have one.

URL:  www.lbi.k12.nj.us

Objective:  Students will be able to determine the weather conditions and temperature the first day of spring.  Students will
enter the data and e-mail the results.  The results will then be posted on our  schools website:  www.lbi.k12.nj.us within one week.

Project Registration Information
Project Email Address: wyeager@lbi.k12.nj.us

Registration Acceptance Dates: 2/24/00 to 3/17/00

Number of Classrooms: many

Age Range: 5 to 12 years

Target Audience: Anyone

Project URL: http://www.lbi.k12.nj.us

Registration Instructions:
Email Mrs. Yeager by the 17th of March.  Include your schools URL if you have one.


Project Contact Information
Mrs. Wendy Yeager - mailto:wyeager@lbi.k12.nj.us
Technology Teacher K-2 -  Long Beach Island School District
Ship Bottom, NJ, New Jersey

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