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Project Author: Noreen Reid (nreid@conroe.isd.tenet.edu)

Project Title: Social Studies Project  Greatest People of the Millennium

Project Begin & End Dates: 4/01/00 to 4/27/00

Project Summary:
Who was the most influential person during the past millennium?
Visit our site and vote on who you think made the greatest contribution to our society during the past 1000 years.

Project Details
Project Level: Basic

Curriculum Area: History and Social Studies

Technologies Used: Web Based Discussion Forum

Full Project Description:
Two sixth grade classes at Reaves Intermediate School in Conroe, Texas have been working on a project for the District Technology Fair on April 29.  The project involved researching people that made a significant contribution during the past 1000 years.
   As a concluding activity for this project,  they would like to have
students and teachers vote on who they would choose as the most
influential person of the past millennium from the individuals listed on
their web page.
To participate in this activity please go to the Reaves Homepage
select Sixth Grade and choose either Mrs. Elliott's or Mrs. Haese's
Directions on how to vote are included on the web page.
You can directly access Mrs. Elliott's page by going to

and Mrs. Haese's page by going to

The results will be tabulated and presented at the Technology Fair and on the school web site..
Thank you for participating in this project.

Noreen Reid
Instructional Technology Specialist
Conroe ISD
Conroe, Texas


Project Registration Information
Project Email Address: nreid@conroe.isd.tenet.edu

Registration Acceptance Dates: 4/01/00 to 4/28/00

Number of Classrooms: 1000

Age Range: 8 to 18 years

Target Audience: Anyone

Project URL: http://webserv1.conroe.isd.tenet.edu/intermediate/reaves/sixth/ELLIOTT/index.htm

Project Contact Information
Noreen Reid - mailto:nreid@conroe.isd.tenet.edu
Instructional Technology Specialist -  Conroe ISD
Conroe, Texas


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