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Project Author: Camilla Ingram (C_Ingram@myschoolmail.com)

Project Title: How much homework is enough

Project Begin & End Dates: 2/15/01 to 5/30/01

Project Summary:
My 5th grade students disagree on how much homework is enough to keep us learning, but nott too much to keep us from other activities. They would like to know how much homework students in 5th grade (10-11 year olds) get in other countries and other areas of the United States. We will be graphing the results (by minutes).

Project Details
Project Level: Basic

Curriculum Area: Mathematics

Technologies Used: Email

Full Project Description:
We would like other 5th graders (10-11 year olds)from around the United States and the world to let us know in minutes approximately how much time they spend each night on homework. Our class is split - some feeling more homework should be assigned to help us learn more and be more involved in our studies, and some feeling too much homework keeps students from other activities and family. We are hoping a graph of minutess spent by other classes around the world will give us a better understanding of our time spent.

Several students came up with a request to do this survey after we had an assigned persuasive writing piece concerning the amount of homework that should be assigned. They would like to find out about other schools. Finished outcome will be a graph and averaging for countries and states of the US, and seeing where we in Lockport, Illinois fit in the "homework spectrum."

Project Registration Information
Project Email Address: C_Ingram@myschoolmail.com

Registration Acceptance Dates: 2/15/01 to 5/30/01

Number of Classrooms: open

Age Range: 10 to 11 years

Target Audience: Anyone

Project URL: http://www.geocities.com/c_s_ingram/homeworksurvey.html

Registration Instructions:
Participants should e-mail the average number of minutes spent by their class on homework on a normal day. Results can be viewed on our website which will be updated as results come in.

Project Contact Information
Camilla Ingram - mailto:C_Ingram@myschoolmail.com
Lockport, Illinois

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