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Takovß velmi p∞knß °ada oblßzk∙
P°ehled mezinßrodnφch sφ¥ov²ch projekt∙
pro zßkladnφ a st°ednφ Ükoly
╪ada domeΦk∙

Dear friends,

Our town is celebrating its 1000 year anniversary this year and so my 
students and I decided to prepare a special magazine called Bridges. 
We'd like to get as many articles as possible from students from 
different schools. So we invite you to have a look at our first steps 
of the magazine ( http://www2.arnes.si/~bridges/) and send us your 
article about your school life , hobbies and place you live in. Later 
we want to publish other topics too. So I ask you, co-ordinators to 
help us get new articles. 

Thank you and best wishes

Viljenka Savli
Co-ordinator ESP for Slovenia
Solkan Elementary School 
Solska ulica 25, Solkan
5000 Nova Gorica
tel: +386 5 330 77 00
fax: +386 5 300 55 14
Personal HP:
distance learning - english.
e-mail: viljenka.savli@guest.arnes.si

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