P°ehled mezinßrodnφch sφ¥ov²ch projekt∙
pro zßkladnφ a st°ednφ Ükoly
Project Author: Christine Wilson (cwilson@mail.fremont.k12.ca.us)
Project Title: The Adventures of Harry's Backpack
Project Begin & End Dates: 6/02/00 to 8/30/02
Project Summary:
Your job is to fill our imaginary backpack with objects from where you live and then write an
adventure as a group or class to be added as a chapter to our book. Include in your adventure factual information about
the animals, plants, people, land, weather, and land marks in the area in which you live. The students should also illustrate
their chapter.
Project Details
Project Level: Basic
Curriculum Area: Community Interest, History and Social Studies, Language, Science, Technology
Technologies Used: Email
Project Sponsor: none
Full Project Description:
Two best friends find a really neat sky blue backpack.
It's a regular-size backpack with many pockets and zipper
compartments. It says James Leitch School on the front
pocket and has a dragon with the name Harry embroidered
down the side. They open it up and find a note that
says.....This backpack has magical powers. Please fill it with
objects that are found only where you live and let the
adventure begin......
Your job if you so choose is to fill this imaginary
backpack with objects from where you live and then write an
adventure as a group or class to be added as a chapter to our
book. Include in your adventure factual information about
the animals, plants, people, land, weather, and land marks in
the area in which you live. The students should also illustrate
their chapter. Computer generated illustrations along with
hand drawn pictures can be utilized.
Please take the time to read chapter one "The San Francisco Bay Area"
which was written by the second grade children in Ms. Wilson's,
Ms.Pergrems, and Mrs. Weekley's class at James Leitch School in Fremont,
California. We encourage other classes to comment on chapter one and all
chapters to follow. After sharing a chapter with the student please feel
free to leave us a message on the message board.
Objectives: The students work as a collaborative team to create a
well-written story using the emelemnts of the writing process.
The students research the landmarks or sites that are specific to their
geogaphical region and community and use their factual information to
create a chapter for our online book.
The students create illustrations and /or graphics to accompany their chapter.
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