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Project Author: Lee Ann Kitzmiller 

Project Title: World Wide Tile Project

Project Begin & End Dates: 5/01/00 to 5/30/03

Project Summary:
Our school is compiling a mural using tiles from all over the world.   We are using the mural to teach students about art, geography and the world.  We would like for any student, teacher, relative, or any interested person to make a tile of any size, or buy a tile such as a trivet with the name of the location on the front.  We would like to have a tile that has an image indicative of the place where it comes from.

Project Details
Project Level: Basic

Curriculum Area: Arts, Business, Community Interest, History and Social Studies, Information Technology, Language, Mathematics, Science, Technology, Vocational Education

Technologies Used: Email

Project Sponsor: Queens Creek Elementary School

Full Project Description:
World Wide Tile Project is a collaborative art project where tiles are sent to our school for a mural which will teach our students about the world around them.  We will send a photo and tile in return to other schools if the school or person wants us to.

Students will learn about the world around them and the differences and similarities between us.

Students will see images that describe different places in the world.

Project Registration Information
Project Email Address: leeann@onslowonline.net

Registration Acceptance Dates: 5/01/00 to 5/30/03

Number of Classrooms: Any

Age Range: 5 to 19 years

Target Audience: Anyone

Project URL: http://www.angelfire.com/nc/artistatlarge/index.html

Registration Instructions:
Please contact  Lee Ann  at   leeann@onslowonline.net

send tiles to  Queens Creek Elementary School
                     159 Queens Creek Rd
                      Swansboro, NC   28584

Project Contact Information
Lee Ann Kitzmiller - mailto:leeann@onslowonline.net
Art teacher -  Queens Creek Elementary School
Swansboro, North Carolina

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