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Project Author: Lori Betge (lbetge@sd35.bc.ca)

Project Title: Cougar Project

Project Begin & End Dates: 10/01/01 to 6/15/02

Project Summary:
Our school mascot, a cougar, will be travelling around the world, visiting various elementary schools for about 10 days.  While he is visiting, we would like to keep track of his route and learn a little about the visiting classrooms and their communities.  All participants can follow along on our school's website.

Project Details
Project Level: Basic

Curriculum Area: Community Interest, History and Social Studies, Information Technology

Technologies Used: Email

Project Sponsor: No sponsorship

Full Project Description:
We would like our school mascot to travel around the world!  While traveling, we would like to keep track of his route and learn about the host community.  We would love to have schools send us postcards, pictures or interesting anecdotes about their community and school. We ask that you send us at least 6 e-mails during the 10 day visit. Schools involved in the program can keep track of the cougar's visits through our school's website.

Schools involved in the project would assume the cost of mailing the cougar on to the forwarding address...by PRIORITY Mail.

Social Studies: mapping skills, comparing communities
Language Arts: Journal writing
Technology:  e-mail, internet use

Project Registration Information
Project Email Address: lbetge@sd35.bc.ca

Registration Acceptance Dates: 6/01/01 to 9/30/01

Number of Classrooms: 15

Age Range: 6 to 12 years

Target Audience: Anyone


Project Contact Information
Lori Betge - mailto:lbetge@sd35.bc.ca
Teacher -  Aldergrove Elementary
Aldergrove, British Columbia,CA

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