P°ehled mezinßrodnφch sφ¥ov²ch projekt∙
pro zßkladnφ a st°ednφ Ükoly
Name: Nadia Prandi
E-Mail: a.prandi@ud.nettuno.it
Institution: Vocational-Technical College"R.D'Aronco" (secondary)
Location: Gemona (Udine) Italy
Summary: Intercultural Meeting Point
Other Comments:
Project Summary: this project follows up from the creation of
ѺMeeting Pointѿ, a web magazine issued by students for students all
around the world. In this magazine we publish reports made by students
(13 to 18 years old) about their interests, under the supervision of
Project Level: Advanced
Curriculum Fit: Language, Community Interest, Information and
Communication Technology
Technologies Used: Email, Video Conferencing
Number of classrooms involved: to be decided
Project URL: http://www.meetingpoint2000.it
Full project description:
Several schools can participate in this project.
âµ The 1th phase: the students participating in the project get in
touch by email and exchange information about themselves, their
hobbies, schoolsÑK.. .
âµ The 2nd phase: the students choose the topics of the articles and
communicate to the Editorial Staff.
âµ The 3rd phase: the students write the articles and send to the
Editorial Staff
âµ The 4th phase : the technical group make the web magazine
1. To practice a foreign language with a native speaker
2. To understand people as they are, with their cultural difference,
and not as Ѻforeignersѿ, or Ѻsouthernersѿ, or Ѻold peopleѿ
3. To develope friendship with people who have very different life
4. To get to Know and understand what Ѻotherѿ people tend to do and
think about
5. To emphasize the collaboration with students from different
countries to examine issues that are of common interest
6. To Learn what you (the student) think and care about as a result
of what you choose to write
7. To learn how to use the new technologies to communicate with other
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