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Date:    Sun, 31 Dec 2000 07:22:34 -0800
From:    tmorton744@EARTHLINK.NET
Subject: Ages 5-18:  World Weather Watch

Project Information
Project Author: Tryna Morton (tmorton744@earthlink.net)

Project Title: World Weather Watch

Project Begin & End Dates: 2/14/01 to 4/04/01

Project Summary:
During this simple interactive project,
your class commits to reporting
specific weather data once a week
for a 2 month period.

Project Details
Project Level: Basic

Curriculum Area: Information Technology, Language, Mathematics, Science

Technologies Used: Email

Full Project Description:
Perceiving weather conditions in other parts of
the United States and the world can be a difficult concept for children.  Because they live in the "here and now", children assume that the weather in
their area is the same as everywhere else. This project is designed to pair classes located in different climatic zones who will then exchange specific
weather information on a weekly basis. At the same time, weather information from all participating classes is input and posted on the World Weather
Watch Automated Results page so teachers and students can do more global comparisons if they desire.  Those teachers who would like to participate, but who don't want to make the
commitment of being a partner class, may register to just input their weather information on the weather results page.

To create a simple across
the curriculum project that
 teachers can use in their
classroom as they feel
comfortable with.  This
teacher/student friendly project
can be used in any way that it
fits your curriculum.

Project Registration Information
Project Email Address: tmorton@youth.net

Registration Acceptance Dates: 12/13/00 to 1/17/01

Number of Classrooms: no limit

Age Range: 5 to 18 years

Target Audience: Anyone

Project URL: http://www.youth.net/weather/welcome.html

Registration Instructions:
Point your browser to http://www.youth.net/weather/welcome.html and follow the online registration instructions.  You must register to participate.

Project Contact Information
Tryna Morton - mailto:tmorton744@earthlink.net
teacher -  Murphy Ranch
Whittier,, California

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