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Project Author: Harriet Stolzenberg (HStolz@aol.com)

Project Title: Random Act of Kindness of the Month

Project Begin & End Dates: 10/01/00 to 6/30/01

Project Summary:
Join us in recognizing children's acts of kindness.
Let us know when children in your class
should be celebrated for going the extra distance
by being kind to one another.
Too many times children's good deeds go unnoticed.
Let this be the first step in their successes!

Project Details
Project Level: Basic

Curriculum Area: Community Interest, History and Social Studies, Technology

Technologies Used: Email

Full Project Description:
Each month you will submit a paragraph about one
student in your class who performed a "Random act
of kindness". We will post the child's act and
picture (JPEG or GIF), if you wish, to celebrate
him or her.
You must send in your entry by the 25th of each
month. Hopefully we will give all children the
incentive to just be nice!

To make the world a better place!
At P.S. 279 in Brooklyn, New York, we want to make
January 1, 2001, a day without violence. A day of
peace throughout the world!
Please visit our website at:
http://www.angelfire.com/ny/ProjectKAVE/ to learn
about our quest for the millennium -
Kids Against Violence Everywhere!

Project Registration Information
Project Email Address: HStolz@aol.com

Registration Acceptance Dates: 8/01/00 to 5/25/01

Number of Classrooms: open

Age Range: 5 to 18 years

Target Audience: Anyone

Project URL: http://www.angelfire.com/ny/ProjectKAVE/

Registration Instructions:
Project Email Address: HStolz@aol.com

Registration Acceptance Dates: 8/1/00 to 5/25/01

Number of Classrooms: open

Age Range: 5 to 18 years

Target Audience: Anyone

Project URL: http://www.angelfire.com/ny/ProjectKAVE/

Registration Instructions:
Please register at HStolz@aol.com

Include the following information:

Teacher's name

School name

email address

grade level

We ask that your entry is on time each month and
you send an entry each month for the duration of
the project.
Thank you!

Project Contact Information
Harriet Stolzenberg - mailto:HStolz@aol.com
educator -  P.S. 279
Brooklyn, New York

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