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	       Name: Liesl Hotaling
	     E-Mail: lhotalin@stevens-tech.edu
	Institution: CIESE, Stevens Institute of Technology (secondary)
	   Location: Hoboken, New Jersey, USA
            Summary: Global Water Sampling Project

Other Comments:
  Please pass this announcement on to anyone that you think might be 
  interested in participating. 
  Project Title:  The Global Water Sampling Project 
  Project Website:  http://www.k12science.org/curriculum/waterproj/ 
  Dates:  September 11, 2000 - November 22, 2000 
  Subjects:  Environmental Science, Biology, and Chemistry 
  Grade Level:  Recommended for middle school or high school students 
  (ages 12-18) because of the nature of the sampling tests required for 
  the project. 
  Purpose:  The project has three specific purposes; 1) to identify 
  organisms in the water and see if they are present in other, more 
  distant, water sources, 2) to access the quality of water based on 
  physical characteristics, chemical substances, and biological 
  indicators, and 3) to look for relationships and trends among the data 
  collected by all project participants. 
  Summary:  Students will be teaming up around the globe to test fresh 
  water.  Join us in this collaborative project and compare the water 
  quality of your local river, stream, lake or pond, with other fresh 
  water sources around the world.  Students will perform the following 
  tests; temperature, pH, dissolved oxygen, biological oxygen demand, 
  carbon dioxide, phosphates, nitrates, turbidity, and coliform 
  bacteria.  The other component of the project involves the 
  identification of organisms found in the water samples.  Students will 
  submit their results to the project web site, which will be posted to 
  a database for all participants to examine.  During the project, 
  students can discuss their questions, finding, and theories with other 
  participants.  Final reports will be posted on the project web site.  
  Please see the project web site for more details. 
  Registration Information:  There is NO FEE required to join this 
  project.  All that we ask is that you review the project requirements 
  posted on the web site and join only if you can meet the requirements. 
  Project Leader:  Liesl Hotaling 
  Email:  lhotalin@stevens-tech.edu 

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