The Overview of The Evolution of Educational Technology

  long time ago not long time ago now future
Sociology preindustrial society industrial society interstage (Vygotsky) information society (Bell, Luhan, Gibson, Toffler)
Philosophy many different positions (analogy with a cave) ???
(Perelman, Dwyer, Healy)
Psychology no personality one personality (Freud) multiple personality (Turkle)
Cognitive Psychology N/A static storage model dynamic model of human brain (Bush, Chugani)
Pedagogy programmed learning advanced programmed learning (Clark, Kouba) constructivism (Piaget, Woolfolk, Schank)
Technology rod chalk, film, radio (Edison, Levenson) TV, computer, internet (Negroponte, David, Lesgold)
Computer science N/A machine code (Feil) object-oriented programming (Schwartz)
Common Sense whipping memorizing (Stoll) project-oriented learning (David) life long learning (Schweitzer)

The Evolution of Educational Technology in Quotations - the source of quotations for this overview.
The influence of technology on the human mind - main document
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