| Text 01 (Apple) | Text 02 (Boeing) | Text 03 (St°elba) | Text 04 (Praha) |
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Apple's to Launch OS X Operating System (Saved from Yahoo!) By Peter Henderson CUPERTINO, Calif. (Reuters) - Spotlights will sweep the skies over this San Jose suburb at midnight on Friday as Apple Computer Inc. (NasdaqNM:AAPL - news) reveals the OS X operating system, which it calls the biggest change to the Macintosh (news - web sites) computer in 17 years. ``At the stroke of midnight, Mac OS X (news - web sites) goes on sale,'' trumpeted Elite Computers & Software, a dealer across the street from Apple headquarters, in an invitation to a ``must attend'' event kicking off the weekend launch of OS X, pronounced ``O.S. Ten.'' ``It could change everything,'' gushed Elite President and Chief Executive Thomas Armes in an interview. Whether such hysteria will die out or build like the flurry that greeted the Mac's friendly graphical interface in 1984 -- when an Orwellian commercial showed a woman throwing a hammer at a Big Brother screen -- is an open question. Apple, which has always been an underdog to computers running Microsoft's Windows applications, has much riding on the completely redesigned operating system and is still shaking out bugs and tweaking it. Founded in a bedroom in Silicon Valley in 1976, Apple had a money-losing quarter and some product missteps at the end of last year. The company had recently returned to profitability under co-founder Steve Jobs (news - web sites), who came back to the company as chief executive officer three-and-a-half years ago. Wants To Build A Mac Os For Next 15 Years Typically, Jobs says Apple has done good. ``Doing something that is both at the same time easier and more powerful is really, really hard. And that's what I think our team has accomplished. That is what has taken us the labor of months and years,'' he said at a prelaunch event. ``We want to build a Mac OS for the next 15 years.'' Apple, with about 4 percent of the personal computer market, has a chance to keep pace with market growth with the new system, Gartner analyst Martin Reynolds said. ``This is a very necessary step for Apple,'' agreed his colleague at Gartner, Chris Le Tocq. The platform is rock solid, using ``protected memory'' to contain program disasters that otherwise could ripple out and freeze a computer, Apple said. Another improvement keeps videos and other software running simultaneously, a holy grail that, if really achieved, meets an old industry pledge. It firmly faces the Internet, with features and services that complement the company's philosophy that the personal computer will survive as the hub of a digital universe. The improvement is apparent immediately. When one opens an OS X-loaded Titanium notebook, for instance, it springs into action from sleep, playing a video before the lid is up. It then searches out the best network connection, wireless or hard-wired, office or home, and away you go. ``This is instant on. This is it. It really works,'' crowed designer Avie Tivanian in a demonstration. There are also screen changes, and Apple offers during installation to sign up users for free e-mail and Internet storage, evidence of its focus on the Internet. Many of the nifty add-ons are thanks to Apple's decision to modify the venerable, industrial standard UNIX operating system for home use. UNIX, in one form or another, runs most of the Internet and is the most corporate operating system. Lame Start OS X also runs Java, a programming language widely used on the Internet, which will help to bring in programrs, and produces files in the popular PDF web-publishing format. ``Unsolicited developers are coming to the Mac platform in droves,'' said Clent Richardson, Apple's vice president for world wide developer relations. Microsoft Corp. (NasdaqNM:MSFT - news) will have an OS X version of its Office suite by fall, although the OS X also supports programs designed for earlier versions. However, Apple is getting off to a lame start. Though its ''Rip. Mix. Burn.'' advertising campaign invites users to make their own digital music play lists and write them onto compact discs, Apple's OS X will not support CD writing until a patch appears around the end of April and DVD movies will not play before a fix due after that. Analysts have also asked why Apple is waiting until summer to preload OS X on new machines, forcing buyers in the interim to purchase both a new machine and the $129 operating system upgrade -- or to wait to buy, costing Apple sales. Jobs shrugged off the issue of sales and when asked about the economy pointed at Apple's $4 billion stockpile of cash. That cash, nearly $12 per share, is worth more than half Apple's current stock price, about $20. ``Apple is very strong right now. And it is wonderful, because we can afford these new initiatives without worrying about the short-term effects of the economy,'' Jobs said. | Jablko musφ vypustit OS X operaΦnφ systΘm uklßdan² od Yahoo! Prost°ednictvφm Peter Henderson CUPERTINO, kalif. Reuters Spotlights zamete oblohy p°es toto San Jose p°edm∞stφ u p∙lnoci na pßtku jako Apple Computer Inc. NasdaqNM:AAPL zprßvy odhalφ OS X operaΦnφ systΘm, kter² to volß nejv∞tÜφ zm∞nu k Macintosh zprßvßm internetovß mφsta poΦφtaΦ v 17 rokßch. ``At mrtvici p∙lnoci, Mac OS X zprßvy internetovß mφsta jde na prodej, vyhlaÜoval Elite Computers software *dealer*, p°es ulici od jableΦnΘho °editelstvφ, v pozvßnφ na ``must p°ijφtUdßlost, kterß vykopßvß vφkendovΘ vypuÜt∞nφ OS X, vyslovovan² ``O.S. Desφtka. ``It mohl m∞nit vÜechno, st°φkal elitnφho prezidenta a hlavnφho mana₧era Thomas Armes v rozhovoru. Zda takovß hysterie bude vymφrat nebo budovat se jako kdy₧ zßvan, kter² zdravil Macintosh je p°ßtelskΘ grafickΘ rozhranφ v 1984 kdy₧ Orwellian reklama ukazovala ₧enu, kterß vrhß kladivo na velkΘho bratra obrazovka je otev°enß otßzka. Jablko, kter² v₧dy byl *underdog* k poΦφtaΦ∙m, kterΘ provozujφ Microsoft-ovy windowsovskΘ aplikace, mß hodn∞ jezdφ na kompletn∞ p°ebudovanΘm operaΦnφm systΘmu a jeÜt∞ vyt°ßsß chyby a Ütφpß to. Zalo₧en² v lo₧nici v k°emφkovΘm ·dolφ v 1976, jablko m∞lo money-losing Φtvrtinu a n∞jak² produkt *underdog* na konci minulΘho roku. SpoleΦnost nedßvno vrßtila se k rentabilit∞ pod spoluzakladatelem Steve Jobs zprßvy internetovß mφsta, kdo vrßtil se k spoleΦnosti jako v²konn² °editel p°ed three-and-a-half roky. Chce stav∞t Macintosh Os For Next 15 rok∙ Typicky, Jobs °φkß, ₧e jablko d∞lalo dobr². ``Doing n∞co to je oba zßrove≥ snadn∞jÜφ a siln∞jÜφ je opravdu, opravdu t∞₧ce. A to je co jß myslφm si, ₧e nßÜ t²m dosßhl. To je co vzal nßm prßci m∞sφc∙ a rok∙, on °φkal u *prelaunch* udßlosti. ``We cht∞jφ stav∞t Macintosh OS pro p°φÜte 15 rok∙. Jablko, s asi 4 procento osobnφho poΦφtaΦe tr₧nφho, mß p°φle₧itost dr₧et tempo s trhem rostoucφm s nov²m systΘmem, Gartner analytik Martin Reynolds °φkal. ``This je velmi nutn² krok pro jablko, dohodl jeho kolegu u Gartner, Chris Le Tocq. Platforma je velmi pevnß, pou₧φvßnφ ``protected pam∞ti obsahovat programovΘ pohromy, kterΘ jinak mohly Φe°enφ vn∞jÜφ a zmrazit poΦφtaΦ, Apple °φkal. DalÜφ zlepÜenφ dr₧φ videa a jin² software b∞₧φcφ souΦasn∞, svat² *grail* to, jestli₧e opravdu dosßhl, naplnφ star² pr∙myslov² zßvazek. To pevn∞ stojφ p°ed internetem, s rysy a slu₧bami, kterΘ dopl≥ujφ spoleΦnostnφ filosofii, ₧e osobnφ poΦφtaΦ p°e₧ije jako *hub* digitßlnφho vesmφru. ZlepÜenφ je jasnΘ okam₧it∞. Kdy₧ jeden otev°e OS X-loaded titanov² notebook, nap°φklad, to skßΦe do akce od spßnku, hranφ videa p°ed vφkem je nahoru. To pak vyhledß nejlepÜφ sφ¥ovΘ spojenφ, bezdrßtov² systΘm nebo hard-wired, ·°ad nebo domov, a pryΦ vy jdete. ``This je okam₧ik na. Toto je to. To opravdu pracuje, *crowed* nßvrhß° Avie Tivanian v demonstraci. Tam jsou takΘ obrazovkovΘ zm∞ny a jableΦnΘ nabφdky b∞hem instalace k najat²m u₧ivatel∙m pro bezplatn² e-mail a internetovΘ uskladn∞nφ, d∙kaz jeho zßjmu o internet. Mnoho *nifty* dopl≥ky jsou dφky jableΦnΘmu rozhodnutφ modifikovat ·ctyhodn², pr∙myslov² standard unixov² operaΦnφ systΘm pro domßcφ pou₧itφ. Unix, v jednΘ form∞ nebo jin², provozuje v∞tÜinu internetu a je nejvφce korporaΦnφ operaΦnφ systΘm. Chrom² zaΦßtek OS X takΘ provozuje Java, programovacφ jazyk Üiroko pou₧it² na internetu, kter² bude pomßhat p°edlo₧it *programrs* a produkuje soubory v populßrnφ PDF web-publishing formßtujφ. ``Unsolicited v²vojß°ovΘ p°ijdou k macintoshovΘ platform∞ v *droves*, °φkal Clent Richardson, jableΦn² vicepresident pro sv∞tovΘho ÜirokΘho v²vojß°e vztahy. Microsoft Corp. NasdaqNM:MSFT zprßvy budou mφt OS X verzi jeho ·°ednφ soupravy pßdem, aΦkoli OS X takΘ podporuje programy navr₧enΘ pro Φasn∞jÜφ verze. NicmΘn∞, jablko odejde k chromΘmu zaΦßtku. AΦkoli jeho ·tr₧ek. Mφsit se. Ho°et. Reklamnφ kampa≥ pozve u₧ivatele, aby d∞lal jejich vlastnφ digitßlnφ hudbu hrßt seznamy a psßt je na kompaktnφch diskßch, jablko je OS X nebude podporovat CDΦko psanφ a₧ do mφsta objevφ se kolem konec dubna a DVD film∙ nebude hrßt p°ed opravou oΦekßvanou po tom. Analytici takΘ zeptali se, proΦ jablko Φekß do lΘta k *preload* OS X na nov²ch strojφch, nutφcφ kupci v prozatφmnφ koupit oba nov² stroj a $129 operaΦnφho systΘmu aktualizace nebo Φekat, ₧e koupφ, stßnφ jableΦn²ch prodej∙. Prßce pokrΦily mimo spornou otßzku prodej∙ a kdy₧ ptal se na ekonomiku ukßzal na jablko je $4 miliardovß zßsoba hotovosti. Ta hotovost, skoro $12 na podφl, je hodnota vφc ne₧ poloviΦnφ jableΦnß souΦasnß zßsoba cena, asi $20. ``Apple je velmi siln² ihned. A to je bßjeΦnΘ, proto₧e my m∙₧eme dovolit si tyto novΘ iniciativy bez bojφ se o krßtkodobΘ ·Φinky ekonomiky, Jobs °φkal. |
Boeing Moving Its World Corporate HQ (Saved from Yahoo!) By ALLISON LINN, AP Business Writer SEATTLE (AP) - Although Boeing Co.'s decision to move its corporate headquarters away from Seattle will mean few lost jobs, many longtime residents say the impact of such a move is enormous. ``Being born and raised in Seattle, this is quite a loss,'' said Richard Powell, 49, who works at a downtown hotel. ``We belong to the (Boeing) credit union. My wife's father retired from Boeing as an engineer. This is like losing a family member.'' Boeing stunned its hometown of 85 years Wednesday when Chairman and Chief Executive Phil Condit said the aerospace giant would move its headquarters. For many, the region's largest employer has become synonymous with the city itself, even as high-tech companies have invaded the skyline and suburbs. ``It's not good news,'' said Mark Blondin, president of the Machinists Lodge 751, Boeing's largest union. ``It's disturbing news that they would move their headquarters out of the town that built Boeing.'' Boeing said it is considering sites in Chicago, Denver and Dallas-Fort Worth. The corporate offices employ about 1,000 workers, a small portion of the company's nearly 80,000 total employees in the region. Condit said the new, leaner headquarters will employ 400 to 500 people, but the company is hoping that layoffs will be minimized by reorganization. Worldwide, Boeing has 198,900 workers, with major operations in St. Louis and Southern California. The company's massive commercial jet manufacturing plants will remain in the Seattle area, as will much of its research and development work. Analyst Robert Toomey at Dain Rauscher-PCG in Seattle said the decision will have a long-term emotional and economic effect. ``You're losing a major Fortune 500 company,'' he said. ``I can't quantify the benefits of having that but, you know, it's important. It generates economic activity in the area.'' Condit said the aerospace giant wants to save money and have a headquarters central to its operations, now spread over 26 states. Toomey said the move might benefit Boeing if it puts the corporate offices closer to the headquarters of major domestic carriers. But more so, he said it shows Boeing is willing to evolve with the times. ``It sends a psychological message that they're breaking from the past and changing the way of doing things,'' he said. ``I think change is good.'' As part of the reorganization, Condit also is promoting the heads of Boeing's three major divisions - commercial airplanes, military aircraft and missiles, and space and communications - to chief executive officers to give those divisions more autonomy and encourage them to grow. ``You're really watching the transformation of the Boeing Co.,'' said Alan Mulally, who was promoted to president and chief executive officer of Commercial Airplanes. Jerry Daniels at Military Aircraft and Missile Systems in St. Louis, and Jim Albaugh at Space and Communications at Seal Beach, Calif. also were promoted. Condit said the decision to move was made six months ago and announced Wednesday as the company begins actively seeking a new corporate site. The headquarters needs ``to be in a location central to our operating units, customers and the financial community - but separate from our existing operations,'' Condit said. Both Gov. Gary Locke and Mayor Paul Schell said they learned of the decision only hours before Condit made it public. ``We have fallen behind,'' the mayor told a hastily called news conference. While the move might not have a large economic impact on Seattle, both he and Locke have asked to meet with Boeing executives, Schell said. ``I will do all I can to help them change their mind,'' he said. Condit said a factor in choosing the new location will be tax and other economic considerations the candidate cities might offer. Boeing was founded here in 1916 by timberman William Boeing. The company defined Seattle and its culture for much of the 20th century. Its bombers helped win World War II, its jetliners revolutionized global travel, and as the nation's top exporter, its international prestige gave the city its claim as a hub of the Pacific economy. But mergers in the 1990s, including those with longtime rival McDonnell Douglas and the space divisions of North American Rockwell, spread its operations nationwide. Global competitive pressures, especially from Europe's Airbus Industrie, led to partnerships and subcontractors around the world. Condit said the company hopes to choose the new corporate site by early summer and have operations functioning there by fall. As Boeing executives said the decision to move was final, Locke said he did not know what else the state could have done. ``While the bulk of the Boeing family remains with us, to lose the corporate leadership of this company leaves a void in our economic and cultural life,'' Locke said. | Boeing Boeing Moving jeho sv∞tovΘ korporaΦnφ velitelstvφ uklßdanΘ od Yahoo! Prost°ednictvφm ALLISON LINN, AP Business spisovatel SEATTLE AP Although Boeing Co.'s rozhodnutφ pohybovat jeho korporaΦnφm °editelstvφm pryΦ od Seattle bude znamenat mßlo ztracenΘ prßce, mnoho *longtime* obyvatelΘ °φkajφ dopad takovΘho pohybu je obrovsk². ``Being rozen² a zvednut² v Seattle, toto je znaΦnß ztrßta, °φkal Richard Powell, 49, kdo pracuje u centrßlnφho hotelu. ``We pat°φ k Boeing ·v∞ru odbor. Mß man₧elka je otec vyslou₧il² od Boeing jako in₧en²r. Toto je rßdi ztratφ rodinnΘho p°φsluÜnφka. Boeing omrßΦil jeho rodnΘ m∞sto 85 rok∙ st°eda kdy₧ p°edseda a hlavnφ mana₧er Phil Condit °φkal, ₧e leteck² obr by pohyboval jeho °editelstvφm. Pro mnoho, oblast je nejv∞tÜφ zam∞stnavatel stal se synonymnφ s m∞stem sßm, dokonce jak ÜpiΦkovΘ spoleΦnosti napadly obzor a p°edm∞stφ. ``It's ne dobrß zprßva, °φkal Mark Blondin, prezident strojnickΘho domku 751, Boeing je nejv∞tÜφ odbor. ``It's ruÜivß zprßva, ₧e oni by pohybovali jejich °editelstvφm ven z m∞sta, kterΘ stav∞lo Boeing. Boeing °φkal, ₧e to zva₧uje mφsta v Chicago, Denver a Dallas-Fort hodnota. PodnikovΘ kancelß°e zam∞stnßvajφ asi 1,000 pracovnφk∙, malß porce spoleΦnosti je skoro 80,000 ·hrnu zam∞stnanci v oblasti. Condit °φkal novΘ, huben∞jÜφ °editelstvφ bude zam∞stnßvat 400 k 500 lidem, ale spoleΦnost doufß, ₧e doΦasnΘ nezam∞stnanosti budou minimalizovanΘ reorganizacφ. Celosv∞tov², Boeing mß 198,900 pracovnφk∙, s velk²mi operacemi v St. Louis a ji₧nφ Kalifornie. SpoleΦnost je masivnφ komerΦnφ proudovΘ letadlo v²robnφ rostliny z∙stanou v Seattle oblasti, jako v∙le hodn∞ jeho v²zkum a rozvojovß prßce. Analyst Robert Toomey u Dain Rauscher-PCG v Seattle °φkal, ₧e rozhodnutφ bude mφt dlouhodob² citov² a ekonomick² ·Φinek. ``You're p°ijde o hlavnφ majetek 500 spoleΦnosti, on °φkal. ``I nem∙₧e poΦφtat v²hody vlastn∞nφ toho ale, vy vφte to, to je d∙le₧itΘ. To tvo°φ ekonomickou aktivitu v oblasti. Condit °φkal, ₧e leteck² obr chce uklßdat penφze a mφt °editelstvφ centrßlnφ v∙Φi jeho operacφm, nynφ Üφ°il se p°es 26 stßt∙. Toomey °φkal, ₧e pohyb by mohl prospφvat Boeing jestli₧e to dß podnikovΘ kancelß°e bli₧Üφ k °editelstvφ hlavnφch domßcφch povoz∙. Ale vφce tak, on °φkal, ₧e to ukß₧e se Boeing je ochotn² vyvinout se s Φasy. ``It poÜle psychologickou zprßvu ₧e oni rozejdou se s minulostφ a m∞n∞nφ zp∙sobu, jak d∞lat v∞ci, on °φkal. ``I myslφ si, ₧e zm∞na je dobrß.Jako Φßst reorganizace, Condit takΘ podporuje hlavy Boeing je t°i hlavnφ divize komerΦnφ letadla, vojenskΘ letadlo a rakety, a prostor a komunikace k v²konn²m °editel∙m dßt t∞m divizφm vφce samosprßvy a povzbudit je, aby rostl. ``You're opravdu sleduje transformaci z Boeing Co., °φkal Alan Mulally, kdo byl pov²Üen² na prezidenta a v²konnΘho °editele komerΦnφch letadel. Jerry Daniels u vojenskΘho letadla a raketov²ch systΘm∙ v St. Louis, a Jim Albaugh u prostoru a komunikacφ u peΦetnφ plß₧e, kalif. takΘ byl pov²Üen². Condit °ekl rozhodnutφ pohybu byl vyrobenß Üestka p°ed m∞sφci a oznßmenß st°eda jako spoleΦnost zaΦφnß aktivn∞ hledat novΘ korporaΦnφ mφsto. ╪editelstvφ pot°eby ``to jsou v umφst∞nφ centrßlnφm v∙Φi naÜim provoznφm jednotkßm, zßkaznφci a finanΦnφ komunita ale odd∞lit se od naÜich existujφcφch operacφ, Condit °φkal. Both Gov. Gary Locke a Mayor Paul Schell °φkal, ₧e oni dozv∞d∞li se o rozhodnutφ jedinΘ hodiny p°ed Condit d∞laly tomu ve°ejnost. ``We zaostßvaly, starosta °ekl sp∞Ün∞ volanou tiskovou konferenci. Zatφmco pohyb by nemohl mφt velk² ekonomick² dopad na Seattle, oba on a Locke ₧ßdal, aby setkßval se s Boeing mana₧ery, Schell °φkal. ``I bude d∞lat vÜechny jß mohu pomoct jim m∞nit jejich mysl, on °φkal. Condit °φkal faktor v vybφrß si novΘ umφst∞nφ bude da≥ a jinß ekonomickß uva₧ovßnφ kandidßtnφ m∞sta by mohla nabφdnout. Boeing byl zalo₧en tady v 1916 tφm, ₧e *timberman* William Boeing. SpoleΦnost definovala Seattle a jeho kultura pro hodn∞ 20. stoletφ. Jeho bombardΘry pomohly vyhrßvat sv∞tovΘ vßlce II, jeho *jetliners* *revolutionized* But slouΦenφ v 1990s, vΦetn∞ t∞ch s *longtime* Condit °φkal, ₧e spoleΦnost doufß, ₧e vybφrß si novΘ korporaΦnφ mφsto Φasn²m lΘtem a mß operace fungujφcφ tam pßdem. As Boeing mana₧e°i °ekli rozhodnutφ pohybu byl finßle, Locke °φkal, ₧e on neznal co jinde stßt mohl d∞lali. ``While velikost Boeing rodiny poz∙statky s nßmi, prohrßt kolektivnφ vedenφ tΘto spoleΦnosti opustφ nicotu v naÜem ekonomickΘm a kulturnφm ₧ivot∞, Locke °φkal. |
Students Teachers Hurt in Gunfire (Saved from Yahoo!) By BERNIE WILSON, Associated Press Writer EL CAJON, Calif. (AP) - An 18-year-old student opened fire at his high school Thursday, wounding three classmates and two teachers before he was shot by a police officer who engaged him in a running gun battle, authorities said. There was no immediate indication what triggered the violence at Granite Hills High School, which came less than three weeks after two students were killed at a nearby school in Santee. The suspect, identified by authorities as Jason Hoffman, was shot in the jaw and buttocks, the most serious injuries stemming from the violence. Police said the attacker used a shotgun and also had a pistol, but it was unclear whether he fired the handgun in the attack. Shotgun pellet wounds suffered by the students and teachers were not life-threatening, hospital and police officials said. Five other students and adults were treated for other injuries, none of them serious. A 51-year-old man, who had chest pains while running to the scene to find his child, was in critical condition. Police also said a pregnant woman rushing to the campus went into labor. ``There were no warning signs,'' said senior Travis Peters, who had an algebra class with Hoffman. ``He wasn't an outcast, no one made fun of him. ... As far as I know, he was like every other kid.'' Jiovani Guerrero, a junior who went to Granite Hills with Hoffman last year and now attends a different school, said Hoffman may have been upset about not getting enough credits to graduate. ``He was supposed to graduate this spring, but that wasn't going to happen, Guerrero said. Junior Roger Pollock, 16, was in math class taking a test when he heard a rapid succession of about six shots. ``I heard my teacher say, 'Is that a skateboard?' I said 'Nope, that's not a skateboard. That's for real,''' he said. He said he looked outside the window and saw a young man with blood on his face. Everyone in the class then ducked. The students stayed in the room for 20 minutes, until police escorted them out. Police Capt. Bill McClurg said Officer Richard Agundez was stationed at the school, heard the gunfire and reported it by radio. He then found the suspect. ``They had a slight running gun battle at the school,'' McClurg said. The midday shooting sparked a confusing scene, with officers scrambling across the campus as many of the 2,900 students fled to a nearby park. It also sent a new jolt of fear through communities still shaken by a March 5 rampage seven miles away at Santana High School, where a 15-year-old student allegedly killed two classmates and injured 13 others. Both schools are in the same district east of San Diego. ``This is a nightmare,'' said Glorianne Pollock, Roger Pollock's mother. ``As a parent, I'm worried to send my kids to school. I just want to lock him in a room and keep him there. This wasn't as bad as Santana, but it could have been.'' Neither the officer nor a sheriff's deputy who helped take the gunman into custody were injured, police said. There were reports that sheriff's deputies happened to be at the school taking reports on another matter, and that a police officer was also on campus for a presentation, but it was unclear if they became involved. The suspect was taken to surgery at Sharp Memorial Hospital, said spokeswoman Eileen Cornish. The pellet wounds were suffered by two boys, a girl and two female teachers. All were released from hospitals Thursday except for one of the boys, a 16-year-old who suffered pellet wounds to his chest, arm and head and may remain hospitalized into the weekend, officials said. Junior Chris Wesley told KGTV the gunman fired at least eight shots and reloaded his weapon. ``It just seemed like he was planning on doing it,'' Wesley said. Ryan Carrillo, a sophomore, told KGTV that he heard gunshots as he walked to a bathroom near the school office. ``It sounded like an explosion, like in a chemistry class or something,'' he said of the first two shots he heard. After hearing five more shots, he ran out of the school. Red Cross spokesman Mickey Stonier, who had also been at Santee, went to El Cajon to help reunite parents and kids. ``This is like pulling a scab off a fresh wound,'' Stonier told CNN. ``The community is responding very well.'' Gov. Gray Davis (news - web sites) condemned the shooting and said everyone needed to be more aware of signs of trouble among youth. ``Basically, we need to be better listeners,'' Davis said. ``We have to hear the signs of alarm or alienation or loneliness from kids and be able to take them aside and make them feel part of the community so these terrible incidents don't keep happening.'' | St°elba Students uΦitelΘ ran∞nφ v st°elb∞ uklßdanΘ od Yahoo! Prost°ednictvφm BERNIE WILSON, Associated stiskne Writer EL CAJON, kalif. AP An 18-year-old student otev°el ohe≥ u jeho st°edoÜkolskΘho Φtvrtku, zra≥ovßnφ t°φ spolu₧ßk∙ a dva uΦitelΘ d°φve ne₧ on byl v²st°el policejnφm d∙stojnφkem, kter² zapojil jej do provozovßnφ zbra≥ovΘ bitvy, ·°ady °φkaly. Tam bylo ₧ßdnΘ okam₧itΘ znamenφ co odjistilo nßsilφ u Granite Hills st°ednφ Ükoly, kter² p°iÜel mΘn∞ ne₧ t°i t²dny po dvou studentech byly zabitΘ u blφzkΘ Ükoly v Santee. The podez°φvß, poznan² ·°ady jako Jason Hoffman, byl v²st°el v Φelisti a *buttocks*, nejvφce vß₧nß zran∞nφ, kterß pochßzejφ z nßsilφ. Policie °φkala, ₧e ·toΦnφk pou₧φval brokovnici a takΘ m∞l pistoli, ale to bylo nejasnΘ zda on vypaloval *handgun* v ·toku. Brokovnicovß kuliΦkovß zran∞nφ snesenß studenty a uΦiteli life-threatening, nemocnice a policejnφ ·°ednφci °φkali. P∞t jinφ studenti a dosp∞lφ byli zachßzel s pro jinß zran∞nφ, ₧ßdn² je vß₧n². 51-year-old mu₧, kdo m∞l bolesti v hrudnφku zatφmco jde za scΘnou najφt jeho dφt∞, byl v kritickΘm stavu. Policie takΘ °φkala t∞hotnß ₧ena, kterß hrne se ke Ükolnφmu areßlu Üla do prßce. ``There byl ₧ßdnß varujφcφ znamenφ, °φkal nad°φzen² Travis Peters, kdo m∞l algebru prvot°φdnφ s Hoffman. ``He nebyl *outcast*, nikdo d∞lal legraci z n∞j. ... Pokud jß vφm to, on byl jako ka₧dΘ jinΘ dφt∞. Jiovani Guerrero, juniorsk² kdo Üel do ₧ulov²ch kopc∙ s Hoffman minul²m rokem a nynφ navÜt∞vuje r∙znou Ükolu, °φkal Hoffman m∙₧e byli rozruÜenφ okolo ne dostßvßnφ dost ·v∞r∙ promovat. ``He m∞l promovat toto jaro, ale to neÜlo do stßt se, Guerrero °φkal. Junior Roger Pollock, 16, byl v matematickΘ t°φd∞, kterß d∞lß test kdy₧ on slyÜel rychlΘ po°adφ o asi Üesti v²st°elech. ``I slyÜel mΘho uΦitele °φkat, je to *skateboard*? Jß jsem °φkal Nope, to nenφ *skateboard*. To je pro skuteΦn², on °φkal. On °φkal, ₧e on dφval se vn∞ okna a vid∞l mladΘho mu₧e s krvφ na jeho tvß°i. Ka₧d² v t°φd∞ pak potopil se. Studenti z∙stßvali v prostoru pro 20 minut, do okam₧iku ne₧ policie doprovßzela je ven. Police Capt. Bill McClurg °φkal Officer Richard Agundez byl umφst∞n² u Ükoly, slyÜel st°elbu a ohlßsil to rßdiem. On pak naÜel podez°el². ``They m∞l nepatrnΘ provozovßnφ zbra≥ovΘ bitvy u Ükoly, McClurg °φkal. Poledne st°φlejφcφ za₧ehlo matoucφ scΘnu, s d∙stojnφky mφchajφcφmi p°es Ükolnφ areßl jak mnoho 2,900 student∙ prchlo k blφzkΘmu parku. To takΘ poslalo nov² nßraz strachu p°es spoleΦenstvφ jeÜt∞ ot°esenß b°eznem 5 *rampage* sedm mφlφ pryΦ u Santana st°ednφ Ükoly, kde 15-year-old student ·dajn∞ zabil dva spolu₧ßky a zran∞n² 13 jinφ. Ob∞ Ükoly jsou v stejnΘm okresnφm v²chodu San Diego. ``This je noΦnφ m∙ra, °φkal Glorianne Pollock, Roger Pollock-ova matka. ``As rodiΦe, jß jsem staral se posφlat mΘ d∞ti Ükole. Jß jen chci zamykat jej v mφstnosti a dr₧et jej tam. Toto nebylo jak Üpatn² jako Santana, ale to mohlo byli. Ani d∙stojnφk ani Üerif je zßstupce, kter² pomohl vzφt *gunman*do opatrovßnφ byl zran∞n², policie °φkala. Tam byly zprßvy, ₧e ÜerifovÜtφ zßstupcovΘ p°ihodili se b²t u Ükoly, kterß bere zprßvy o dalÜφ zßle₧itosti, a ₧e policejnφ d∙stojnφk byl takΘ na Ükolnφm areßlu pro prezentaci, ale to bylo nejasnΘ jestli₧e oni stali se zapojenφ. The podez°φvß byl oblφbil si chirurgii u ostrΘ pam∞tnφ nemocnice, °φkal mluvΦφ Eileen Cornish. KuliΦkovß zran∞nφ byla snesenß dv∞ma chlapci, dφvka a dva ₧enÜtφ uΦitelΘ. VÜichni byli propuÜt∞ni z nemocniΦnφho Φtvrtku krom∞ jednoho z chlapc∙, 16-year-old, kter² snßÜel kuliΦkovß zran∞nφ k jeho hrudi, pa₧e a hlava a m∙₧e z∙stat hospitalizoval do vφkendu, ·°ednφci °φkali. Junior Chris Wesley °ekl KGTV *gunman* vypaloval p°inejmenÜφm osm v²st°el∙ a p°eklßdal jeho zbra≥. ``It jen zdßl se jako kdy₧ on plßnoval d∞lßnφ toho, Wesley °φkal. Ryan Carrillo, *sophomore*, °ekl KGTV ₧e on slyÜel v²st°ely jak on Üel k koupeln∞ blφzko Ükolnφho ·°adu. ``It znil jako exploze, mφt rßd v chemii prvot°φdnφ nebo n∞co, on °φkal prvnφch dvou v²st°el∙ on slyÜel. PotΘ, co slyÜel p∞t vφce v²st°el∙, on vyΦerpal Ükolu. ╚erven² podrß₧d∞n² mluvΦφ Mickey Stonier, kdo takΘ byl u Santee, Üel do El Cajon pomßhat *reunite* rodiΦovΘ a d∞ti. ``This je rßdi zastavφ strup u ΦerstvΘ rßny, Stonier °ekl CNN. ``The komunita odpovφdß velmi dob°e. Gov. Gray Davis zprßvy internetovß mφsta odsuzovala st°elbu a °φkala, ₧e ka₧d² pot°eboval b²t vφce v∞dom² znßmek potφ₧e mezi mlßdφ. ``Basically, my pot°ebujeme b²t lepÜφ posluchaΦovΘ, Davis °φkal. ``We musφ slyÜet znßmky obavy nebo odcizenφ nebo osam∞lost od d∞tφ a b²t schopn² vzφt je stranou a nutit je cφtit se jako Φßst spoleΦenstvφ tak tyto hroznΘ incidenty nenep°estßvajφ stßt se. |
Prague (Czech Praha; German Prag), city in the west central part of the Czech Republic, the capital of the country. Prague is located in central Bohemia, situated on both sides of the Vltava River. The largest city in the Czech Republic, Prague is the chief commercial and industrial center and the cultural capital of the country. Primary manufactures here are machine tools, electrical machinery, automobiles, chemicals, textiles, clothing, leather goods, food and alcoholic beverages, and glassware. The city is also the republic's main center of book publishing. Educational institutions in Prague include Charles University (1348), the oldest university in central Europe, and the Technical University of Prague (1707). The city also has many art, music, and professional schools, as well as museums, libraries, and theaters. With the fall of Communism, Prague has become a popular tourist destination, bolstering the city's economy. One of the most picturesque cities in Europe, Prague is sometimes called "The City of One Hundred Spires." It was built in a broad valley paralleling the banks of the Vltava and on the surrounding hills. The river is spanned by many bridges, of which the most famous is the Charles Bridge, built in the 14th century and later embellished with statues of saints. The eastern bank of the river is the site of the Old Town, dating from the 13th century, and the New Town, built about a century later. In the Old Town, traversed by crooked streets and containing architectural relics of Bohemian grandeur, is the 14th-century Tyn Cathedral, a center of the religious revolt of the Hussites. The section also contains the University of Prague; Starom∞stskß Radnice, the 14th-century town hall; and the Municipal House. The New Town, primarily a commercial and industrial section, encompasses many public buildings, museums, and banks. On the western side of the river is the part of the city called the Lesser Town, with a number of baroque palaces. Above this section and dominating the entire city is Hradcany Castle; formerly the residence of the kings of Bohemia, it is now the residence of the president of the Czech Republic. Next to this vast structure is the Gothic-style Cathedral of Saint Vitus, which contains the tombs of many Bohemian kings. The settlement of Prague dates from the 9th century, when it served as the site for several Bohemian castles. The city began to grow in the 13th century with the establishment of German communities by Wenceslas I, king of Bohemia. The German colonists developed the city rapidly, building the Altstadt (Old Town) as a trading center in 1232 and, expanding to the southeast, starting the Neustadt (New Town) a century later. Prague prospered as the capital of the powerful province of Bohemia and during the 14th century became the largest European city after Paris. In 1442 it was conquered by the Hussites yet continued to grow in wealth and power. It was severely damaged during several wars, notably in the Thirty Years' War (1618-1648). In 1744 the city surrendered to Frederick II, king of Prussia, who, during the Seven Years' War (1756-1763), defeated the Austrian forces at Prague. In 1848, Prague was bombarded by Austrian troops used to quell a Czech revolution, and in 1866 the city surrendered to Prussian forces during the Seven Weeks' War. Upon the establishment of the republic of Czechoslovakia in 1918, Prague became its capital. During World War II the city was occupied by German forces from March 1939 until May 1945 but escaped major damage. The city was again the scene of turmoil when, in August 1968, Soviet troops invaded Prague and massive demonstrations ensued. Prague also was the site of massive nonviolent demonstrations that led to the downfall of Czechoslovakia's Communist regime in 1989. When the country divided into two republics on January 1, 1993, the city became capital of the independent Czech Republic. Population (1991 estimate) 1,212,010. | Praha Prague ╚ech Praha; German Prag, m∞sto v zßpadnφ st°ednφ souΦßsti ╚eskΘ Republiky, kapitßl zem∞. Praha je lokalizovßna v centrßlnφ Bohemia, umφst∞n² na obou stranßch Vltava °eky. Nejv∞tÜφ m∞sto v ╚eskΘ Republice, Praha je hlavnφ reklama a pr∙myslovΘ centrum a kulturnφ kapitßl zem∞. Primßrnφ v²roby tady jsou obrßb∞cφ stroje, elektrickΘ strojnφ za°φzenφ, automobily, chemikßlie, textily, od∞v, ko₧enß zbo₧φ, jφdlo a alkoholickß pitφ, a sklo. M∞sto je takΘ republika je hlavnφ centrum knihy publikujφcφ. Vzd∞lßvacφ instituce v Praze zahrnujφ Charles univerzitu 1348, nejstarÜφ univerzita v centrßlnφ Evrop∞ a technickΘ univerzit∞ Prahy 1707. M∞sto takΘ mß mnoho um∞nφ, hudba a profesionßlnφ Ükoly, stejn∞ jako muzea, knihovny a divadla. S pßdem komunismu, Praha stala se populßrnφm turistick²m cφlem, vzpru₧enφ m∞stskΘ ekonomiky.
Jedno z nejmalebn∞jÜφch m∞st v Evrop∞, Praha je n∞kdy nazvanß m∞sto One Hundred v∞₧φ.To bylo postavenΘ v ÜirokΘm ·dolφ, kterΘ paralelizuje banky z Vltava a na obklopujφcφch kopcφch. ╪eka je trvanß mnoho mosty, z kterΘho nejslavn∞jÜφ je Charles most, postaven² v 14. stoletφ a pozd∞ji ozdoben² s sochami svat²ch. V²chodnφ b°eh °eky je mφsto starΘho m∞sta, datuje se od 13. stoletφ a novΘho m∞sta, postaven² o stoletφ pozdn∞jÜφm. V starΘm m∞st∞, p°ekroΦen² k°ivolak²mi ulicemi a obsahovßnφm architektonick²ch pamßtek na bohΘmskou majestßtnost, je 14th-century Tyn Cathedral, centrum nßbo₧enskΘ vzpoury z Hussites. Sekce takΘ obsahuje univerzitu Prahy; Starom∞stskß Radnice, 14th-century radnice; a obecnφ d∙m. NovΘ m∞sto, primßrn∞ komerΦnφ a pr∙myslovß sekce, zahrnuje mnoho ve°ejn²ch budov, muzea a banky. Na zßpadnφ stran∞ °eky je Φßst m∞sta nazvanΘho Lesser m∞sto, s mno₧stvφm baroknφch palßc∙. Nad tφmto sekce a ovlßdßnφ celΘho m∞sta je Hradcany Castle; p°edtφm rezidence krßl∙ Bohemia, to je nynφ rezidence prezidenta ╚eskΘ Republiky. Vedle tohoto obrovskß struktura je Gothic-style katedrßla od svatΘho Vitus, kter² obsahuje hroby z mnoho bohΘmÜtφ krßlovΘ.
Vyrovnßnφ Prahy datuje se od 9. stoletφ, kdy₧ to slou₧ilo jako mφsto pro n∞kolik bohΘmskΘ hrady. M∞sto zaΦφnalo r∙st v 13. stoletφ s zalo₧enφm n∞meck²ch spoleΦenstvφ prost°ednictvφm Wenceslas I, krßl Bohemia. N∞meΦtφ obyvatelΘ kolonie vyvinuli m∞sto rychle, postavφ Altstadt Old m∞sto jak odprodß centrum 1232 a, expandovßnφ k jihov²chodnφ, startovßnφ Neustadt novΘho m∞sta stoletφ pozdn∞jÜφ. Praha prosperovala jako kapitßl silnΘ provincie od Bohemia a b∞hem 14. stoletφ stal se nejv∞tÜφm evropsk²m m∞stem po Paris. V 1442 to bylo podrobil si u Hussites p°esto pokraΦoval r∙st v bohatstvφ a sφle. To bylo hrozn∞ poÜkozenΘ b∞hem n∞kolik vßlek, pozoruhodn∞ v Thirty Years vßlce 1618-1648. V 1744 m∞sto vzdßvalo se Frederick II, krßl Prussia, kdo, b∞hem Seven Years vßlky 1756-1763, porazil rakouskΘ sφly u Prahy. V 1848, Praha byla vybombardovanß rakousk²mi vojßky p°emßhal Φeskou revoluci, a v 1866 m∞sto vzdßvalo se Prussian sφlßm b∞hem Seven Weeks vßlky. Na zalo₧enφ republiky ╚eskoslovenska v 1918, Praha stala se jeho kapitßlem. B∞hem sv∞tovΘ vßlky II m∞sto bylo obsazenΘ n∞meck²mi sφlami od b°ezna 1939 a₧ do kv∞tna 1945 ale vyhnul se hlavnφ Ükod∞. M∞sto bylo znovu scΘna v°avy kdy₧, v srpnu 1968, sov∞tÜtφ vojßci napadli Prahu a masivnφ demonstrace nßsledoval. Praha takΘ byla mφsto masivnφch nenßsiln²ch demonstracφ, kterΘ vedly k pßdu Czechoslovakia-ova komunisty re₧im v 1989. Kdy₧ zem∞ d∞lila se do dvou republik na lednu 1, 1993, m∞sto stalo se kapitßlem nezßvislΘ ╚eskΘ Republiky. Populace 1991 odhadu 1,212,010. |
| Text 01 (Apple) | Text 02 (Boeing) | Text 03 (St°elba) | Text 04 (Praha) |