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Overview of HyperNet
If you are tired of slow internet connection, then try out HyperNet .

HyperNet is a Utility designed to fine tune windows hidden internet settings, decrease fragmentation of data packets, force even IP Packets through server lines, Increases the download speed and decreases the download time on the internet.This tool is compatible with all Major Versions of Windows 95, 98, 98SE, ME, NT4.0, 2000 , plus it supports Dialup Connections with modem speeds of 28kbps, 33.6kbps, 56kbps and High speed connections such as LAN, DSL, ISDN, Cable Modem, Satellite Connection and T-1 connections with speeds of over 100 Mbps. It fine tunes all these connections to boost speed to it's limits.

User's Guide and Description of Terms.

Maximum Transfer Unit (MTU)

Different data protocols have different package sizes that cannot be exceeded. Knowledge of the Maximum Transfer Unit is required by TCP (Transmission Control Protocol) so that the package sizes can be optimized to prevent fragmentation during transmission across the internet. 

Maximum Transfer Unit controls the way in which data TCP/IP Packets are received. This is the default packet size that Windows uses to negotiate with. When a connection is opened between two computers, they must agree on an MTU. It’s done by comparing MTUs and selecting the smaller of the two. If the MTU is set too large for routers that are between the computers, these routers then fragment this information into a packet size that the router can handle.This fragmentation can double the amount of time it takes to send a single packet. Windows has a built-in MTU Discovery that will adjust for this by sending out a packet that is marked as "Not Fragmental". Then the router sends back an error to the computer saying that the packet was too large, and Windows then lowers the MTU until there are no more errors. If your ISP uses an MTU of 576, then every time you start a connection, Windows must adjust down to this value. Even though Windows automatically adjusts the packet size, it still takes it time to negotiate an acceptable MTU.

The best and recommended settings for different connections are below :

Modem Dialup LAN ISDN DSL/Cable Modem Satellite Link T-1 Connection
576 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500

Receive Window (RWIN)

Receive Window, is the amount of unacknowledged data than can be outstanding on a TCP connection.The TCP Receive Window size is the amount of receive data (in bytes) that can be buffered at one time on a connection. The sending host can send only that amount of data before waiting for an acknowledgment and window update from the receiving host.
Windows can only store one system-wide value for RWIN.

The best and recommended settings for different connections are below :

Modem Dialup LAN ISDN DSL/Cable Modem Satellite Link T-1 Connection
All Windows All Windows All Windows

Win95, NT 4.0 64240
Win98, Me 256960

Win95, NT 4.0 64240
Win98, Me 256960

Win95,NT 4.0 64240
Win98, Me 256960

2144 5840 128480 Win2000 372300 Win2000 372300 Win2000 372300

Time to Live Archive (TTL)

TTL is a field in the IP header which indicates how long a packet should be allowed to survive before it is discarded. This value specifies the maximum number of routers that a packet may be forwarded through on to its destination. TTL essentially determines the maximum number of hops permitted. Windows 95 and 98 default value is 32 .Setting the value to high will increase the time taken to detect dead packets. Setting it too low can prevent packets from reaching their intended destination.

The best and recommended settings for different connections are below :

Modem Dialup LAN ISDN DSL/Cable Modem Satellite Link T-1 Connection
64 64 128 128 128 128

Path Maximum Transfer Unit (PMTU)

The best and recommended settings for different connections are below :

Modem Dialup LAN ISDN DSL/Cable Modem Satellite Link T-1 Connection
576 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500

HTML Extract Time-Outs

This value is set to none by HyperNet , So that you do not get many time outs during browsing.

Read Ahead Auto Scrolling

Windows Default value is disabled. But most systems get a better result by enabling this value.

Ndi Cache

Windows Default value is 0. But most systems get a better result by using  16 value. Use 32 or 64 only if 16 doesn't works.

TCP 1323 Opts

Recommended setting is 3.This option is only available and applicable to high speed connections such as DSL/Cable Modem/Satellite/T-1,etc. The possible settings are 0 - No Window scaling and Timestamp Options, 1 - Window scaling but no Timestamp options, 3 - Window scaling and Time stamp options.)

Sack-Opts and MaxDupAcks

It means support for Selective Acknowledgments (SACK) and Maximum Duplicate Acknowledgements allowed. This option is also only available and applicable to high speed connections such as DSL/Cable Modem/Satellite/T-1,etc.
Recommended setting is Enabled.

The Check Box settings

The best and recommended settings for Auto find PMTU on different connections are below :

Modem Dialup LAN ISDN DSL/Cable Modem Satellite Link T-1 Connection
Checked Checked Checked Checked Checked Checked

The best and recommended settings for Auto Detect Black Hole on different connections are below :

Modem Dialup LAN ISDN DSL/Cable Modem Satellite Link T-1 Connection
UnChecked UnChecked UnChecked UnChecked UnChecked UnChecked

The Auto Button

Use the Auto Optimize button for Automatically optimizing your connection with the best setting possible.

Modem Dialing Speed

Restore Defaults

Restores all settings to original windows defaults.

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