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Product ID: 33190 Program Name: Dr.Salman's Windows Power Tools Price: $49.95

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   HyperWindows is a utility that

Tips and Usage

You can increase your browsing in between directories on your system by following the tips below.

  1. If you use windows 98 ,or windows 95 with explorer 4.0 or higher,then click on my computer icon on the desktop
  2. On the Menu bar choose view and from the view menu select Folder options.
  3. Now either choose classic style from the folder options window or custom style.
  4. Do not choose view as web page settings,as this feature is currently not supported by hyperwindows and will slow your system down.
  5. If you choose classic style then no need to proceed any further.Close folder options by clicking the OK button
  6. If however if you have chosen custom style then click the settings button ,the custom settings window will open as shown below in the figure.
  7. Choose the settings shown bellow in the figure,close all windows by clicking OK buttons,restart your system.
  8. Your browsing speed must have definitely increased


Frequently asked Question

Question : I have used HyperWindows .At first my system seemed to have accelerated ,but I played a few songs,Watched a movie,and then I went on the internet.Now my system seems to have slowed down and my menus are running very slow.

Answer : It is very common to have decreased speed on the system when you run Active -X applications with multiple threads.In other words,You will face decreased system performance when you use media players,CD players ,movie players or surf the internet for a long time.This occurs because all these applications use active X controls, which literally shreds the Virtual Cache memory of Windows.In order to repair the damage Power Tools has two utilities.One is Hyperwindows and the other is ram-cleaner (part of ram-magnifier- click here for details on ram cleaner).After using the utilities Restart your system You would definitely get an excellent performance.

Website : http://www.dmisoftware.com
Email : webmaster@dmisoftware.com

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