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Product ID: 33190 Program Name: Dr.Salman's Windows Power Tools Price: $49.95

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System Requirements

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Program Description

Dr.Salman's Windows Security Toolkit is an excellent security tool developed for Windows environment which can come in real handy. By Combining the power of security tools and Win32 API calls to Map a secure Environment for Windows it acts as a total security solution. 

The Programs Main Menu is Divided into Six parts or sections,each one with its own security features

Note-In the following paragraphs,the term Administrator means the person having access to this software and the word user means any person using the computer on which this software has been installed but does not has access to this software.

  1. Restrict Access to Passwords Settings This setting allows the Administrator(the person having access to this software),to restrict other users from viewing ,modifying deleting or adding new passwords to the passwords settings from the Control Panel.If any one tries to use the passwords settings from the control panel,a warning message will appear,telling the user that the system administrator ,i.e. the person using this software has not authorized the user to access these settings.
  2. Restrict Access to Network Settings This setting allows the Administrator to restrict  users from Accessing or modifying ,either accidentally or purposefully the Network settings of the Windows Control Panel. 
  3. Restrict Access to Display Settings This Setting allows the Administrator to Restrict Users from  Accessing the Display settings and to prevent them from modifying them.That is to restrict users from changing the Appearance,Desktop Background,Plus,Display Card ,Monitor settings,resolution and color management schemes.
  4. Restrict Access to Device Manager This is a very useful option which if activated does not allows users to access the device manager through the system settings and thus avoids any accidental damage or corruption to the system which might occur if this setting is modified by inexperience hands.
    If your PC is used by not only you but also by other family members or friends or colleagues ,who you think might corrupt your system then this setting is best for you.
  5. Restrict Access to Hardware Profiles The settings when enabled hides the Hardware Profiles page from the System icon on the Control Panel.
  6. Restrict Access to Virtual Memory Setting The settings when enabled hides the Virtual Memory Button from the System icon on the Control Panel.
  7. Restrict Access to File System Setting The settings when enabled hides the File System Button from the System icon on the Control Panel.
  8. Restrict Access to Printer Setting This option disables access to the Printers icon in control panel, therefore stopping users from changing Printer settings
  9. Restrict User from adding Printer Any user can add a new printer their system, this option once enabled disables the addition of new printers to the computer.
  10. Restrict User from deleting Printer Printers can be deleted simply by any user pressing the delete key, enabling this setting stops users from being able to delete printers
  11. Hide Printers General and Details Pages This option hides the printer details and general printer information pages. Once enabled this option stops users from changing specific printer settings.
  12. Hide System Settings Control Panel This option hides the System Settings Icon from the control panel
  13. Restrict Access to Modem Settings This option hides the Modem Settings Icon from the control panel
  14. Restrict Access to Regional Settings This option hides the Regional Settings Icon from the control panel
  15. Restrict Access to Internet Settings This option hides the Internet Settings Icon from the control panel
  16. Restrict Access to Multimedia Settings This option hides the Multimedia Settings Icon from the control panel
  17. Restrict Access to Add/Remove Programs This option hides the Add/remove Settings Icon from the control panel
  18. Restrict Access to Power Management This option hides the Power Management Settings Icon from the control panel

    Desktop Security Section This section deals with settings involving the Desktop and the Start Menu They are
  1. Hide All items on the desktop. This setting can hide all items presently located on the desktop.Use this setting if you have given your kids access to the Computer and you think they might change or damage any desktop settings you might not want them to.
  2. Remove Favorites Folder from the Start Menu. This setting hides the Favorites Folder from the start menu ,so that small kids don't have direct access to any of their parents favorite WebPages ,documents or other items ,which the kids are not allowed to view or modify.
  3. Remove Documents Folder from the Start Menu. This setting hides the Documents Folder from the start menu.
  4. Hide the task bar settings from the Start Menu. This setting hides the Task Bar settings from the start menu.
  5. Remove Find Command from the Start Menu. This setting hides the Find Command from the start menu.
  6. Restrict changes to enabled Active Desktop. This tweak allows you to have Active Desktop enabled, but to restrict any changes to the settings.
  7. Disable use of Active Desktop Feature. This tweak will disable the use of the Active Desktop feature.
  8. Clear the recent Documents when Windows Exits. This tweak will clear the list of recent documents on the Start Menu when Windows exits
  9. Disable Modification of Start Menu. Normally users are able to right-click on the Start Menu and modify it using the context menu. This option give you the ability to disable this function.
  10. Remove the Run Command from the Start Menu. Removes the user's ability to start applications or processes from the Start menu by removing the option completely
  11. Remove the Folders from the Start Menu. Removes the Control Panel and Printers folders from the Settings menu. Note: Removing the Taskbar, Control Panel, and Printer folders causes the Settings menu to be removed completely
  12. Remove the Help Option from the Start Menu. This tweak hides the Help option on the Start Menu. (Windows 2000 only)

    Network Security Section This section deals with advanced settings involving the Network.They are

  1. Disable File Sharing over the network.This powerful feature has Windows NT power .It limits access of files on a computer from other users trying to access the files from outside .i.e over a network.It also restricts Hackers from entering your system while you go online on the internet by forming a data Non-Access Fire Wall and thus keeps the computer secure from the outside world.
  2. Disable Printer Sharing over the network. This setting allows the administrator to choose whether he wishes to allow others access to his printer or not over the network.
  3. Hide Shared Passwords With Asterisk. Windows by default shows any shared passwords.This settings hides them so that no third party can view them.
  4. Disable Save Password Option in DUN-NT. When you dial a phonebook entry in Dial-Up Networking (DUN) in Windows NT, you can use the 'Save Password' option so that your DUN password is cached and you will not need to enter it on successive dial attempts.
  5. Don't display Username on logging in NT. Enabling this key will blank the username box on the logon screen. Preventing people that are logging on from knowing the last user on the system.
  6. Disable Caching of NT Domain Password. Enabling this setting, disables the caching of the NT domain password, and therefore it will need to be re-entered to access additional domain resources.
  7. Hide Workgroup Content from Network Neighborhood.Enabling this option, hides all Workgroup content from being displayed in Network Neighborhood.
  8. Remove Entire Network from Network Neighborhood Entire Network is an option under Network Neighborhood that allows users to see all the Workgroup and Domains on the network. Entire Network can be disabled, so users are confined to their own Workgroup or Domain.
  9. Fix DHCP Security Bug in Windows 9x/NT/2000 to stop hackers from accessing your system
    The ICMP Router Discovery Protocol (IRDP) comes enabled by default on DHCP clients that are running Microsoft Windows 9x/2000 machines. By spoofing IRDP Router Advertisements, an attacker can remotely add default route entries on a remote system
  10. Hacker Guard - Disables Hackers from using a modem to access the Internal Network. It's possible for users to setup a modem on a Windows machine, and by using Dial-up Networking allow callers to connect to the internal network. Especially in a corporate environment this can cause a major security risk

I.E. and Applications Security Section This section deals with advanced settings involving the Internet Explorer and DOS :

  1. Disable MS-DOS mode in windows. This setting does not allow the user to access the Dos mode,or to use any commands or programs that use a dos based driver to run.including all the games which use DOS4GW driver.
  2. Disable use of real mode Dos Applications This setting allows you to disable the use of real mode DOS applications from within the Windows shell
  1. Reset the Content Advisor and Ratings Password If you've forgotten the Internet Explorer content advisor password and want to change the ratings settings then follow these instructions to change the settings back to their defaults.
  2. Disable Internet Explorer Content and Ratings Advisor. This setting allows you to disable the Internet Explorer Content and Ratings Advisor
  3. Restrict User from changing Internet Explorer Advanced Settings This setting allows you to disable the Internet Explorer Advanced options in control panel's Internet Applet.
  4. Restrict User from Accessing your personal profiles in Internet Explorer This setting allows you to restrict access to the personal profiles button in the Internet Explorer 
  5. Restrict User from Accessing Information from your Internet Explorer Wallet This setting allows you to restrict access to the Wallet Feature provided in Internet Explorer which stores your credit cards and shopping information. 
  1. Disable ability to run registry editing tools. The Windows Registry is a database which contains all the information about your computer. Modifications of the registry can be made by tools such as regedit.exe which can be very dangerous in hands of users other than highly advanced programmers and can cause serious computer failures in such hands.   This setting disables the ability to run the registry editing tools Regedit.exe or Regedt32.exe interactively
  2. Disable Windows Password caching ability. Normally Windows caches a copy of the users password on the local system to allow for additional automation, this leads to a possible security threat on some systems. Disabling caching means the users passwords are not cached locally. This setting also removes the second Windows password screen and also remove the possibility of networks passwords to get out of sync.
  3. Restrict access to event logs in Windows NT and 2000. The Windows NT event log contains records documenting application, security and system events taking place on the machine. These logs can contain sensitive data, and by default, the Guest account has access to view them. This tweak allows you to restrict access to administrators and system accounts only.
  4. Disable use of Windows Hot Keys  This tweak disables the use of Windows hotkeys, but it requires restart to apply or to remove.

The final section is the registration form, if you wish to purchase the program please visit to get your serial number. Once you receive the code please place it in the box provided in the registration section of the program and click the register me button. This will register your copy.

If you require any assistance please visit us online at .

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