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1. Introduction -
What is RAM-Magnifier?
RAM-Magnifier is a Windows utility that works by replacing part of Windows virtual memory
system. Virtual memory, available in Windows 95,98,Me,NT is a way of simulating memory by
using available hard disk space as if it were extra RAM. Virtual memory works by swapping
the contents of RAM to the hard disk and back again as needed. When you are using Windows'
virtual memory, you can run many more programs than you could in the actual RAM on your
system. But accessing your hard disk is much slower than accessing RAM, and so virtual
memory comes with slower performance.
RAM-Magnifier inserts itself into the Window programs that determine what parts of RAM
will be swapped to the hard disk. Instead of going to the hard disk, the swapped-out RAM
information goes to RAM-Magnifier's own buffer in RAM, which is a much faster process.The
Part of Ram used include EC00,E800,E000,EFFF,EBFF,E7FF regions. During idle times on your
system, RAM-Magnifier compresses the information in its RAM buffer to a fraction of its
size, clearing more room in the buffer for new data that may arrive. And, when the RAM
buffer is full and some of its contents must finally be swapped to the hard disk, the
compressed data requires less space on your disk and less time to store it than if it had
not been compressed. So your performance is improved two ways: Windows accesses the hard
disk less frequently, and when it does it writes out smaller pieces of data.
2.System Requirements
Windows 95/98/Me/NT4.0
A Web-Browser
32 MB or higher Ram
RAM-Magnifier requires Windows to have Virtual Memory
This is Usually Enabled by the Windows Setup program in Windows 95, 98, Me,NT4.0.
3. Using the Interface
RAM-Magnifier Works with Various Ram Values.Just Specify the Amount
of Physical Ram on your system and click on the apply button,then simply Restart your
system .RAM-Magnifier will increase your RAM by 3-50 MB .If you have 16 MB or less Ram
,then you must Disable Ram Magnification.Changes to Windows's Virtual Memory settings and
RAM-Magnifier's configuration typically require Windows to be restarted for the changes to
take effect.
The main reason why windows slows down with time is because the Windows paging file i.e. the swap file, becomes too fragmented. This fills up the Hard disk space and also Slows down the Ram Data Caching resulting in slower Window Performance.
You can now improve performance by Optimizing and Cleaning this Paging file by using the Ram Cleaner
5. Trouble Shooting and known issues.
The system can become unstable if the Windows swap file is located on an area of your hard disk that is being compressed by a disk compression program. (This is true even when RAM-Magnifier is not installed.) In general, you should either move your swap file to an uncompressed section of your hard disk, or make sure there is plenty of free disk space on the compressed drive that contains the swap file. The swap file location is set via Windows Control Panel / System / Performance / Virtual Memory.The swap file Should be ideally located in c:\windows directory.
Note to Windows 2000 Users : RAM-Magnifier will not work on Windows 2000.
Sometimes after enabling RAM-Magnifier you may get a boot up error with a blue screen, this is because of buffer problems and RAM frequency conflicts. Ram-Magnifier works on a DAMB principle, Dynamic allocation of memory buffers which can give this error on some systems, the buffers take some time to settle down depending upon the built and MHz frequency of the ram chips, the settling may be immediate or may take some time, very rarely the buffers do not adjust . The solution is when you get this error reboot your system in safe mode, disable ram magnifier and then reboot in normal mode, enable ram magnifier and then reboot again. Once the buffers settle down, the problem should go away. In case it doesn't goes away, we are afraid that you will have to disable ram magnifier. The rest of the Windows Power Tools will be unaffected.
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