

Select "View -> Find" from 40tude HTML's main menu or press Ctrl+F to start the find dialog.

Find in current document

Make sure the "Find" tab is active in the find dialog, enter the search word, set your options and click on "Find next". Note that feedback on the search operation, e.g. "Not found", is given in the statusbar of the main window. To mark all occurrences of the search term click on "Mark all". To remove the search marks later you need to select "Search -> Remove search marks".

Find in files

Make sure the "Find in files" tab is active in the find dialog, enter the search word, set your options and click on "Find". A search operation can be done in all open files, all project files or files in a specified directory.

Find again

You can repeat the last search operation by simply pressing F3 or by selecting "Search -> Find next" from the main menu.

General info on searching and replacing.
Info on replacing.
Info on regular expressions.

Last change: June 08, 2001 - © Softwareentwicklung Marcus Monnig
