Run perl script

Run perl script

Use this task to execute perl scripts for testing purposes.

To use this task, select it from one of the task menu items (see Overview of tasks). Note that this task is only available when a perl script file is open.

If you have Perl installed on your machine, you can execute a script you are editing in 40tude HTML and redirect the output to 40tude HTML "Perl messages" window, it's internal or one of the external browsers.

After the task is started enter all options and paramters to pass to the Perl script.

If you select to redirect the output to 40tude HTML's "Perl messages" window and a line of output refers to a line in the script, you can double-click in the message frame to jump to that line in the script.

Passing parameters by ENV parameters

Perl scripts used on the WWW get their parameters through ENV variables, defined in the CGI specification, and not over the command line.

To find out more about CGI and defined ENV variables, see:

A script that simply shows all ENV variables passed from your browser can be found at:

To pass ENV parameters to your script, click on "ENV parameters" and enter all ENV parameters your perl script needs.

The ENViroment parameter QUERY_STRING starts without the question mark seen in URLs, e.g. in the URL (the following is made up...)


QUERY_STRING is set to "term=onions&maxhits=30" and this is what you would enter in the QUERY_STRING field of the "Run perl script" window.

Passing parameters by command line:

If you select to pass parameters by the command line, 40tude HTML will execute:

<Path_to_perl> -s <scriptname> -<your_parameters>


C:\Perl\bin\Perl.exe -s myscript.tmp -color1=green

Last change: June 08, 2001 - © Softwareentwicklung Marcus Monnig

run perl scripts;perl scripts (run)