Release history
Release history
Version 3.3
- Added the frames expert
- Fixed a bug that frooze the application on some computers
- Fixed a few other cosmetic bugs
Version 3.2
- Fixed an access violation upon startup on some systems (NT&Win2k)
- Fixed a bug with huge (>64 KB) editor bookmark files (
- "Edit tag", "Strip this tag", etc. now correctly works when the tag
already is fully selected
- Triggering CodeQuick with Alt+Enter now works even when CodeQuick is
generally disabled (F8)
- The "All supported files" filter now gets correctly updated when adding
or removing file extensions
- The file and message panel now correctly restore their previous sizes between sessions when collapsed
- Selected text now gets copied to the search term field in the replace
window when the "Find selected text" option is enabled
- The "FRA" button no longer inserts a "</frame>" closing tag
- You can now enter your proxy settings, used by the link checker
- You now get prompted when an open file changed on disk
- You can now open css files in 40tude HTML by disabling TopStyle support
(see "Other options" in general settings)
- When using multiple profiles in Netscape Navigator, you can now set which
profile to use from within 40tude HTML
- Added proxy settings for link checker
- Right clicking in the project tree now changes the selected item
- Auto Alt text is know correctly disabled in the image expert
- Default "Save as..." directory now gets correctly set
Version 3.1
- Added german language support
- Added to-do list feature
- Added help documentation in old WinHelp format
- Added restore feature for backups
- Added intensive support for TopStyle (CSS Editor;
- Added an option to maximes the internal browser automatically
- Added shortcuts for wide, small, large window (CTRL+F5 to CTRL+F8)
- Added navigation panel for internal browser, including quick width selection of internal browser
- Added an option to automatically set IMG ALT= to the filename and image size
- Finished ESI tag reference documentation
- Fixed shortcut for Email expert (now Ctrl+M)
- Fixed extraction of image dimensions for some jpeg files
- Fixed the default directory in the "Save as..." dialog
- Fixed automatical saving of current file for browsing when redirection is active
- Made <br> closing tag optional (default is off)
- Projects can now be renamed in the project tree
- Added global esidate feature, that uses the last modification date within a project
- Added "Search from start" for custom functions of search type
- Email link expert now remembers recently used email addresses
- robots.txt and favicon.ico are now longer shown in the list of unused files in the linkchecker
- Changing the active project now prompts which files to open and close
- Snippets can now be imported from text files
- Hitting return in the filelist now correctly opens the file in 40tude HTML
- Sorting of files in the project tree is now correctly saved between sessions
- Fixed a bug that checked the spelling of the first tag in a document
- Fixed "Convert tag case" function to ignore comments and scripts in comments
- Fixed error upon loading of gif images that occured on some machines
Version 3.01
- Fixed an access violation when the settings window was closed
- Fixed "Convert characters" task when applied to all open files
- Fixed a bug that sometimes caused an endless loop when replacing text backwards
- 40tude HTML windows are now longer set on top of other applications windows
- Paths for installed browsers are now correctly evaluated upon first start
- Find/replace dialogs now remember all previous options, including the "Confirm" flag and the origin
- Netscape Navigator window is now correctly activated when called from within 40tude HTML on Windows 98
- Added a snippet library feature that includes some predefined Javascripts
Version 3.00
- Added online help
- Fixed a few other bugs
Version 3 Closed Beta 8
- Fixed an evaluation period check bug
- Fixed keyboard commands in the filelist
- Changed the default button layout (new first "Common" tab)
- Added two new button tabs with multilanguage characters
- Fixed the CodeQuick page in the Help file
- Fixed access violation upon startup of spell checker
- Included the American dictionary in the standard installation
- Fixed "List index out of bounds) error in the image and body expert
- Fixed "Help on tag" to start up even when the caret is not inside a tag
- Improved the "no images on buttons" solution
- Fixed a few other small bugs
Version 3 Closed Beta 7
- Reworked color coding to support style sheet definitions, tags in tags (e.g with ASP tags) and ASP, Webplus, Cold fusion and Zope DTML tags
- Added Zope dtml tag definition file
- Added (un)install support
- Added forms, list and table experts (to be rewritten at a later point)
- Added PNG image support
- Added "Help on Tag" feature for WDG and selfhtml documentation
- Added "Repeat last" feature (Ctrl-Y)
- Fixed a window locking error after "Replace All"
- Remapped "Select all" to Ctrl-A. Anchor expert now mapped to Ctrl+Shift+A
- Added copy, paste, add functions in escaped ESI tag editor
- Esifile tag now correctly resursively evaluated
Version 3 Closed Beta 6
- Renamed 1-4-All to 40tude HTML
- Switched back to the old tabbed buttons layout
- Streamlined open and save operations
- Added Editor Side Includes (ESI) feature
- Added option for multline tabs
- Added multilanguage keyboard support
- Added an option to always close <P> tags
- Reworked default button layout
- Implemented a new macro recorder
- Added perl support
- Added color coding support for backtick quotes in Perl files
- Added black & white printing option (default)
- Added strip tags function (see "Convert characters" task)
- Project timer can now be set, not just resetted
- Added new keyboard shortcut to switch between open files (Ctrl(+Shift)+Tab)
- Ctrl+Up and Ctrl+Down now jumps between opening and closing tags
- Added "Reload file" function
- Added "File information/dependencies" task
- Added tag support for Server Side Includes (SSI)
- "Replace all" in files fixed (wrong replacement string)
- Files are now correctly added to the recent (reopen) menu
- Fixed some keyboard shortcuts that use virtual key (Ctrl+Ins, etc.)
- Fixed "Strip this tag" function
- Added </b> closing tag to tag definition file
- Fixed corrupted painting of statusbar
- Fixed a bug that deleted tags in tags after an ExpertEdit operation
- Fixed a bug that replaces relative with absolute filenames over mapped network drives in ExpertEdit dialogs
- CodeQuick window now hides correctly when starting another function
- Fixed boundaries of character conversion in selected text
Version 3 Closed Beta 5
- Added: Files can now be accessed through a local httpd server when browsing
- Added: Color coding for Perl files
- Added: Collapse depth setting for startup folder
- Added: Button panels can now hold a variable number of buttons
- Added: File selection by typing in file panel
- Added: Project timer
- Fixed: "Save Undo stack" and "Save Bookmarks" between sessions settings fixed
- Fixed: Case conversion now works with <!...> tags
- Fixed: Floating toolbars now return into two rows when docked by doubleclicking
- Fixed: File copy/move through drag & drop in file panel
- Lots of other things...
Version 3 Closed Beta 4
- Added "check for unused files" feature to link checker
- Added Publishing wizard
- Made CodeQuick accept returns when only hint is shown
- Fixed automatic slash conversion
- Added line numbering
- Added show all characters
- Added triple click
Version 3 Closed Beta 3
Note: Please ignore all references to "ESIs" in the program. This is a new
feature that is disabled in this release.
- Finished tag definition file
- Added option to limit tag support to tags known by specific browsers or W3C specifications
- Browser support now shown in CodeQuick
- You can now create custom functions and assign these to a button or a keyboard shortcut later.
Available functions: Text insertion, searching for a fixed text, compound function and program execution
- You can now add/remove toolbar panels and set the button layout of each panel
- Keyboard shortcuts are now customizable
- Added Replace/Replace in files function
- Added 16x16 thumbnail preview to all ComboBoxes that hold image filenames (including CodeQuick)
- Deleting in file list now deletes to the recycle bin; Use shift to bypass
- Clicking on gutter now selects a line
- Added "copy to clipboard" to result windows context menues
- Default extension in Save dialogs can now be set
- Added live preview when selecting toolbar panels
- Undo stack is now kept after save operations (optional)
- CodeQuick now works with selected text; Use Alt+Return to trigger
- Removed medium and simple color coding, since advanced is quite quick
- "Delete tag" now works with comments
- Added horizontal scrollbar to result windows
- Tag-attribute pairs that mark URLs can now be set; used by the link checker
- Added autowidth feature that resizes external browsers to a fixed width
- Added option that lets browser access files through local http server
- Added IntelliMouse support
- Added template dialog (File -> New...)
- Added all "tasks", except for the publishing wizard
- Reworked some icons
- "New/change active project" function added
- Conversion of extended characters now works with all chars. > 160
- Added option to limit total size of all backup files
- Custom colors in color dialogs are now saved between sessions
- Set font in file panel to default font
- Fixed color coding of <LI...> and <LINK...>
- Fixed AV when pressing Del at the end of a file
- Fixed saving/restoring of windows layouts between sessions
- Fixed lower/uppercase function for tags
- Fixed d&d from file list to directory tree
- Selecting font expert started body expert - fixed
- Fixed combining of absolute and relative paths
- Lots of other bugs fixed... new bugs introduced...
Version 3 Closed Beta 2
- Changed shortcut for "Undo" from Shift-Z to Ctrl-Z (doh...)
- Fixed access violation (av) when pressing Backspace at the start of a file
- Fixed persistent internal browser window
- Fixed permanently stuck splitters (the bars that split two windows and that you can drag to resize windows)
- Fixed av with very new versions of comctrl32.dll
- Fixed "no bitmaps on buttons" problem with some versions of comctrl32.dll
- Fixed av when starting the color picker expert
- Fixed repainting of file tabs (to red font) after changes done by the convert characters tool
- Fixed upper/lowercase tag conversion that convert one character to much
- Fixed character conversion that ignored the first character in a file
- Made some size adjustments for systems using the Windows display option "big fonts"
Last change: June 08, 2001 - © Softwareentwicklung Marcus Monnig
release history;what's new;bugs