Image dimensions reassigning

Image dimensions reassigning

40tude HTML offers a task to quickly set all width and height values of your image tags.

To use this task, select it from one of the task menu items (see Overview of tasks).

When a browser loads a HTML page it will show parts of the page as soon as it has all information about the text flow in a paragraph. On a page with embedded images that holds no information about the dimensions of the graphics (no width and height values set), the browser has to download the whole image before it knows its size and the text flow in that paragraph. With dimensions set, the browser can show all text and then load each image afterwards, so the reader doesn't have to wait for the image download to start reading your page.

When you select the "Reassign image dimensions" task 40tude HTML will start to scan your document(s) for <img...> tags and list all found images in a dialog. You can then select the images you would like to reassign, so you are able to exclude some images, like images used for spacing. Click "Ok" and 40tude HTML will add or correct the width and height values for the selected images.

Last change: June 08, 2001 - © Softwareentwicklung Marcus Monnig

reassign image dimensions;width attribute;height attribute;image tag