Welcome to the new DaveCentral!
I have a new Linux software archive as well as the Windows archive you have come to know and love. I've been a fan of Linux for some time now, and it looks like a lot of you are too. When I ran my recent survey on Linux, I was pleased to find that 84% of you wanted me to offer Linux software along with Windows, and now I'm proud to do so.

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Dave's Pick
"C is for cookie, that's good enough for me, yeah! Umm-umm-umm-umm-umm! COOKIE!" In the spirit of Cookie Monster I've installed Cookie Cruncher . Just liked the famed Sesame Street character, Cookie Cruncher will demolish any and all cookies on your PC that you ask it to. continued...

Recent Additions/Updates
AK Smart WorkTime Tracker Professional 1.1
System Utilities - Misc. Utilities
Callserve Internet TelePhone v3.20
Conferencing - Internet Phones
DirectSeek 2.1
Web Surfing - Search Engines
DirectSeek Explorer Bar 2.1
Web Surfing - Browser Utilities
eMPower Express 1.0
Web Authoring - Site Builders
eNotepad 2.1.4
Web Authoring - Text Editors
Faena MyID 2.2.8
File Utilities - Encryption Tools
Fishes Screensaver 1.1
System Utilities - Misc. Utilities
netMailshar 2.7b4
E-mail - Mail Servers
Personal Passworder 1.01
Web Surfing - Security
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Best Of Linux
Owning your own business is a lot like being a parent. You create it, nurture it, and encourage it to grow and mature. You watch it bleed your pocketbook dry, you fund training programs, and you worry about it! Man do you worry! You might as well be a dad, when you're trying to find the answers to life, the universe, and, well, everything! continued...

Recent Additions/Updates
Addendat 0.3.2
Programming - Web Authoring
AES Encryption for Shell Scripts 0.7
File Utilities - Encryption Tools
Al-shell 0.3
File Utilities - File Managers
alogin 0.11
Programming - System
Android 0.99.3
Programming - tcl/tk
apcupsd 4.0.0
System Utilities - Power Management
Appwerx CATALOG 2.8
Web - Java Applets
Appwerx EXPRESSO 1.4
Web - Java Applets
Programming - System Libraries
Canadian Payroll 0.9
Office Applications - Accounting
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