:Base XLVIEW.HLP :Title Microsoft Excel Viewer 97 1 What is Microsoft Excel Viewer 97? 2 About Microsoft Excel Viewer 97=xlconwhatismicrosoftexcelviewer97>ref 1 Distribution of Microsoft Excel Viewer 97 2 Obtaining Microsoft Excel Viewer 97=xlcondistributionofmicrosoftexcelviewer@xlview.hlp>ref 2 Distributing Microsoft Excel Viewer 97 with your workbooks=xlrefdistributingmicrosoftexcelviewer97withyourworkbooks@xlview.hlp>ref 2 Ordering Microsoft Excel=xlhowtoorderingmicrosoftexcel>ref 1 Installing, Reinstalling, or Removing Microsoft Excel Viewer 2 Installing Microsoft Excel Viewer=xlhowtoinstallingreinstallingorremovingmicrosoftexcelviewer@xlview.hlp>howto 2 Reinstalling Microsoft Excel Viewer=xlhowtoreinstallingmicrosoftexcelviewer@xlview.hlp>howto 2 Removing Microsoft Excel Viewer=xlhowtoremovingmicrosoftexcelviewer@xlview.hlp>howto 2 Microsoft Excel Viewer installed file names and locations=xlhowmicrosoftexcelviewerinstalledfilenamesandlocations@xlview.hlp>ref 1 Opening and Viewing Workbooks 2 Open a workbook=cohowOpenADocument@xlview.hlp>howto 2 Open a workbook for editing=xlrefopenaworkbookforediting>howto 2 Magnify or reduce the display=xlhowMagnifyOrReduceDisplay@xlview.hlp>howto 2 View different parts of a worksheet at the same time=xlconSplittingWorksheetsAndFreezingPanes@xlview.hlp>ref 1 Moving Around in a Workbook and Finding Data 2 Move and scroll through a worksheet=xlhowMoveAndScrollWithinAWorksheet@xlview.hlp>ref 2 Select cells, ranges, rows, and columns=xlhowSelectCellsRowsAndColumns@xlview.hlp>ref 2 Cancel a selection of cells=xlhowCancelASelection>howto 2 Select sheets in a workbook=xlhowSelectSheetsInAWorkbook>ref 2 Switch to another sheet in a workbook=xlhowSwitchToAnotherSheetInAWorkbook>howto 2 Copy cell data=xlhowcopycelldata>ref 2 Find text or numbers=xlhowFindTextOrNumbers>howto 2 Change column width=xlhowAdjustcolumnwidth>howto 2 Change row height=xlhowAdjustrowheight>howto 2 Display a subset of rows in a list by using AutoFilter=xlhowFilteringAList>howto 1 Printing 2 Change the worksheet area that appears on a printed page=xldecPrintWorksheetOnSpecificNumberOfPages>ref 2 Change the layout of the printed worksheet=xldecChangeLayoutOfPrintedWorksheet>ref 2 Remove a print area=xldccRemovePrintArea>howto 2 Set page margins=xlhowSetPageMargins>howto 2 Print row and column headings on every page=xldccPrintRowColumnHeadingsOnEveryPage>howto 2 Print the active sheets, a selected range, or an entire workbook=xldccPrintSheetSelectedRangeOrEntireWorkbook>howto 2 About the Print Preview window=xlcmdAboutPrintPreviewWindow>ref 1 Getting Technical Support 2 Connect to Microsoft Technical Resources=ofdecConnectToMicrosoft>ref 2 Ordering Microsoft Excel=xlhowtoorderingmicrosoftexcel>ref