INSTALLATION AND DESCRIPTION OF THE BEGINNING OF WORK WITH MERIT - CDF FOR 32BIT VERSION WINDOWS 95 Run D:\Setup\Setup.exe from CD drive Another CD drive is possible e.g. E:\ ........ Run standard installation, take steps according to the instructions of the installation After the successful installation run the Merit - CDF (Icon) or from the main panel -START/PROGRAMS/MERIT-CDF - Merit-CDF Register yourself as a user (Your name, Company Name) Licence - enter : The password of the licence Confirm OK You get report : The installation was successful. Program runs and it is ready for work. Click on the "Address" field in the Menu bar Click on the Filter icon or FILTER/DEFINE FILTER in menu Define filter (Write your request) Click on OK After Address filtering it is possible to display other information by means of double-click on the ticked information in the right upper part of the record or by means of Display menu If you start filtering in other fields e.g. the "Persons" field you take the same steps, you add Filter to the file using menu FILTER/ADD FILTER TO FILE - Addresses have to be displayed. It is possible to save the filtered records to a file for further work, or to add them to or to remove them from the created file. Further work is possible with the file or with particular records - to save, to merge, to remove them.... You can find the description of filtering and the work with files in Help menu After filtering it is possible to switch over the records in DISPLAY/CHART menu or by means of the Chart icon, other possibilities of work with the data appear - e.g. further sorting and transmission of data e.g. to Excel application by means of simple copying etc. If something is unclear - phone us.