To post a message to a newsgroup
- In the Folders list, select the newsgroup you want to post a message to.
- On the toolbar, click New Post.
- To send your message to multiple newsgroups on the same news server, click the icon next to Newsgroups in the New Message dialog box. In the Pick Newsgroups dialog box, click one or more newsgroups from the list (hold down the CTRL key to select multiple newsgroups), and then click Add. You can choose from all newsgroups or only those you subscribe to by clicking Show only subscribed newsgroups.
- Type the Subject of your message. Outlook Express cannot post a message that does not contain a subject.
- Compose your message, and then click Send.
- You can send a given message to more than one newsgroup at a time only if all the newsgroups are on the same news server. To post a message to newsgroups on other news servers, create a separate message for each news server.
- You can cancel a message you have posted by selecting the message, clicking the Message menu, and then selecting Cancel Message. Canceling a message does not remove it from a newsgroup user's computer if the user downloaded the message before it was canceled. You can cancel only messages you have posted; you cannot cancel another person's message.
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