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SearchUnit v0.93

SearchUnit is my first Delphi IDE utility, it's  an tool to search a Delphi file that is somewhere in you're library path but you don't know exactly where.

The reasons I wrote this tool are:

  1.  I wanted to know something about the the OpenTools API of Delphi;
  2.  I don't use CodeRush so I don't have a file manager in my IDE;
  3.  I use GExperts and I think that maybe in the future the SearchUnit tool can be extension of GExperts.

This tool is free to use and the source is available. You can download the tool from this location and when you send me an e-mail I will you send the source-code. Here you will find a manual, the manual is included in the installation set.

When you have any comments, remarks, want to give me money, need some one to talk with or whatever you can send me an e-mail

Change log

Version Remark Date  
V0.90 First releas 09-10-2000
V0.91 Bugfixing 13-10-2000
V0.92  Changes in the UI 06-11-2000
1. Add tabsheets to the form
V.093 Bugfixing 15-11-2000
1 Solved problem with the shortcut.
2 The library path is no longer read from the registry but now  from the Delphi IDE.
3 Fixed the access violation that occured when you installed a new version. 

16-11-2000 07:07:06
Copyrights Ralph van Roosmalen 2000

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