************************************************** GeoTools Version 1.24 for AutoCAD Release 14/2000, AutoCAD Map R2, R3, R4, AutoCAD Land Development Desktop and AutoCAD Architectural Desktop. README.TXT Copyright (c) 1999-2000 Four Dimension Technologies, Singapore March 2000 Distributed in the United States by Sentinel USA, Inc. ************************************************* HOW TO USE THIS DOCUMENT ************************************************* To view GeoToolsReadMe.TXT on screen in Notepad or WordPad, maximize the Notepad or WordPad window. To print README.TXT in Notepad or WordPad, choose Print from the File menu. If you use another word processor, select the entire document and format the text in 10-point Courier before printing to ensure proper spacing. To print README.TXT from the DOS prompt, type COPY README.TXT PRN: ************************************************* GeoTools NOTES ************************************************* This README.TXT file covers compatibility information, late-breaking news, and usage tips for the GeoTools software. The following topics are discussed: 1. Completion of GeoTools Installation -------------------------------------- GeoTools is now almost installed except for a small setting that needs to be done under the AutoCAD Preferences dialog. We chose not to do this automatically as part of the installation program to enable you to configure your GeoTools exactly how you want it as we realize that you may be running multiple versions and / or multiple configurations of AutoCAD. In the "Preferences" menu, go to the "Files" tab and open the "Support files search path". Choose "Add" and "Browse", then point to the location where the main GeoTools application files are located. By defualt, the installation program would have installed this under the "C:\Four Dimensions\GeoTools" folder. There are various ways in which you may like to start your GeoTools program. 1. If you do not already use an ACAD.LSP, you can use the ACAD.LSP template supplied with GeoTools. This enables you to load GeoTools automatically when you start AutoCAD or will prompt you to load GeoTools with a "Yes/No" option. You can control this behavior by commenting the appropriate lines in the ACAD.LSP file as described in the ACAD.LSP file comments. If the loading was not done automatically upon AutoCAD startup, GeoTools can either be loaded or unloaded any time later using the GT_LOAD and GT_UNLOAD commands respectively. Alternatively, you can load and unload GeoTools using the "Load" and "UnLoad" options in the GeoTools menu. 2. If you already have an ACAD.LSP, you can either copy the contents of the supplied ACAD.LSP to merge with your existing ACAD.LSP or you can load GeoTools separately by first loading the loader program GT_LOAD.LSP and then using either the GT_LOAD or GT_UNLOAD commands to either load or unload GeoTools. To load GeoTools, browse to the file GT_LOAD.LSP (you can use the APPLOAD command to do this) and load it. This loads the GeoTools main executable GEOT.ARX (for AutoCAD Release 14) and GEOT.VLX (for AutoCAD 2000) and the GeoTools menu. GeoTools Online help and documentation -------------------------------------- GeoTools online help is now accesible from within the GeoToools menu by clicking on the "Help..." item. This will bring up the help topics in your default configured browser. In case the help file cannot be opened automatically, please point to the file manual_index.htm and open it in your browser. This is the starting page of the help files from which you can navigate to the other help topics inside your browser. ------------------------------------------------- GeoTools is developed by Four Dimension Technologies in Singapore. Contact address: Four Dimension Technologies 10 Anson Road #18-18 International Plaza Singapore 079903 email : geotools@4d-technologies.com URL : http://www.4d-technologies.com Online support and useful last minute information about GeoTools is available through the web at the following URL: http://www.4d-technologies.com/geotools ------------------------------------------------- GeoTools - USA distributor: Sentinel USA, Inc. email: susa@nextek.net URL: http://www.4amfmgis.com URL: http://www.sentinelusa.com ------------------------------------------------- CD-ROM Versions of GeoTools have the Adobe Acrobat reader installation file already copied into the CD-ROM under the filename ar32301.exe. Double click on this file to install the reader if you do not already have it. Users who have downloaded this version from the web will have to download the Acrobat reader seperately. It is not included in the web version of GeoTools. GeoTools ordering information and pricing are contained in the file GeoToolsOrderForm.PDF file (or GeoToolsOrderForm.txt) in the GeoTools installation DOCS folder. ************************************************* END OF FILE *************************************************